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Everything posted by ryanjmclaughlin

  1. How many datapoints is too much?

    I have about 6000 points loading in a Scatter with animation disabled. It runs fairly good on faster machines, but flash takes awhile to load, or errors (the script is taking too long) on slower pc's.
  2. For some strange reason, my charts will not load in Firefox, I just get the "Chart." in the original div, and it is not replaced by the chart. But, it works in IE.... Any ideas?
  3. Problem with loading in Firefox, but not IE

    Ok this is really weird, but after I rebooted the server and my computer, this seem to be working now... Guess it was a weird caching issue... Thanks
  4. Problem with loading in Firefox, but not IE

    Sorry its on a LAN only. this is the display code <?php // get the data types in use $data_types = data_type_list($dept,$runID); // create a graph for each data type $i = 0; foreach ($data_types as $data_type) { //NOTE: It's necessary to encode the dataURL if you've added parameters to it $dataURL = encodeDataURL("/chart_data/temp_scatter.php?animate=0&dept=$dept&runID=$runID&data_type=$data_type"); //Create the chart echo renderChart("/charts/selectScatter.swf", $dataURL, "", "temp_graph$i", "750px", "500px", false, false); $i++; } ?>