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Everything posted by ethnocide

  1. line graph doesn't appear in the page. the only thing that appears in the page instead of the line graph is a text "Chart.". i cant figure out what is wrong with my code.. include("../Includes/FusionCharts.php"); include("../Includes/DBConn.php"); $patientID = $_GET['patientID']; $strXML = ""; $get_das = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT DASSCORE, CONSULTDATE FROM CONSULTATION WHERE PATIENTID='$patientID' ORDER BY CONSULTDATE ASC"); $index = 0; if(mysql_num_rows($get_das) == 0){ echo "asa"; } else{ while($get_result = mysql_fetch_array($get_das, MYSQL_NUM)) { $das_index[$index] = $get_result[0]; $date[$index] = $get_result[1]; $strXML .= ""; $index++; } } $strXML .= ""; echo renderChart("../FusionCharts/FCF_Line.swf", "", $strXML, "", 600, 300); please help me with these. thanks.