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Everything posted by pitommasi

  1. Hi! Is that possible? I want to show labels only for entities with data... Thanks P.S.: Would it be nice if documentation had had a search engine...
  2. Group Countries In Europe Map

    would it be possible to associate an action to a group of them (i.e.: if I click on france, italy, spain or england, the same chart opens, either in a frame, or a popup, or in a DIV in the same page or as a modal popup...)?
  3. No Maxvalue On Colorrange

    Ok, I will think of something... Can the single entity color be changed using Javascript?
  4. I was reading again: so the problem listed inthe first post is not to set a custom text for the tooltip (which, from what I have seen is a standard feature) but to change its property at runtime? And then, is that not possible? I cannot change them at runtime, according to a user event, for example?
  5. ISO Country Codes

    quick question: what happened to this request? I have data using ISO-3166 Alpha 3 codes. Should I make a remapping?
  6. Treemap

    I need treemaps for my application? Are there any plan for implementation of this kind of chart? Thanks
  7. Specific Areas

    Hi! I need to build an application which displays data referring to some geographical areas that are not usually present in standard maps (generally speaking). For example, "Occupied Palestinian Territories". Specifically, for now, I need to color that area, according to ranges (i.e.: blu for values from 1 to 3, red from 4 to 7 and green for the other values. Are geographical entities like that vailable in fusion maps? If not, how can I get to show data for that kind of regions? Thanks in advance
  8. Specific Areas

    Great, thank you very much!
  9. Reading the datails, I have seen that I would only get source code for charts, not for map, so the conclusion is that I cannot modify map's behavior, right?
  10. Treemap

    Hardly so, I am afraid... Maybe there is a misunderstanding... This is what I mean with treemap: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemap Thanks
  11. Specific Areas

    Thanks. Where can I get a complete list of the available maps, in order to know which map do I have and which do I need?
  12. Treemap

    Ok, Thank you.
  13. If I buy the full license with source code provided, will be possible to achieve the feature described here, modifying the source code? P.S.: I think you have forgotten to write something, in your message... I only see your signature...
  14. I'd like that too, thanks!