Abdoral Neto

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Everything posted by Abdoral Neto

  1. It's possible to add a link into caption or subcaptio? how can I do that?
  2. Add Link Into The Caption Or Subcpation?

    Thanks! I'll try do that!!!
  3. I would like to implement a interface of charts like this demo: http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/blueprint/Chart_SalesByEmployee.asp?year=1996 . How can I do that if I use PHP?
  4. Erro In Setdataxml

    I have a variable $xml who contains a string of xml to render a chart, if I do this: chart.setDataXML('".$xml."') occus a erro; But if I safe this string in a arquive like this: $arquivoXml = fopen("/charts/docs/_dataXml/grafico.xml", "a+"); $eues = fwrite($arquivoXml, $xml); fclose($arquivoXml); and I do chart.setDataURL('/charts/docs/_dataXml/grafico.xml') the chart is render. Whats the direrence?!
  5. How Do I To Link Two Or More Charts?

    var chart_Pie3D5 = new FusionCharts("glpi/trunk/plugins/charts/lib/fusioncharts/Charts/Column2D.swfPie3D.swf", "Pie3D5", "600", "300", "0", "0", "","noScale","EN"); Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL chart_Pie3D5.setDataXML("<chart caption='Tarefas mais frequentes' subCaption='Por categoria' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Units' ><set label'Micro Informatica > teste' value='37' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=0'/><set label'Outras > Contato com o usuário' value='7' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=62'/><set label'Micro Informatica' value='7' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=48'/><set label'Micro Informatica > Manutenção de conta de usuário' value='5' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=10'/><set label'Automação > Novos projetos' value='3' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=6'/></chart>"); chart_Pie3D5.render("Pie3D5Div"); chart_Pie3D5.setDataXML("<chart caption='Tarefas mais frequentes' subCaption='Por categoria' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Units' ><set label'Micro Informatica > teste' value='37' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=0'/><set label'Outras > Contato com o usuário' value='7' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=62'/><set label'Micro Informatica' value='7' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=48'/><set label'Micro Informatica > Manutenção de conta de usuário' value='5' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=10'/><set label'Automação > Novos projetos' value='3' link='newchart-xmlurl-chartsTask.data.php?id=6'/></chart>"); chart_Pie3D5.render("Pie3D5Div");
  6. How Do I To Link Two Or More Charts?

    Can I do that with method configureLink(In javascript)?
  7. How Do I To Link Two Or More Charts?

    I try to do that. But I can't do. Every time I use renderChart() this erro occurs : Uncaught TypeError: Object [object DOMWindow] has no method 'setAttribute' I can't render chart when I put xlm like a string.