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Everything posted by Archie144

  1. Chart displays black screen till user hovers on it. Once user hovers on it, it shows actaul chart. Why is this happening?I want chart to get displayed immediatly . after hover next image: I observed : if I set : <param name="wmode" value="opaque"/> It shows black screen and after user hovers it shows chart but if we set <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> It shows blank screen and here also user has to hover to display chart.
  2. Dynamic Y Axis With Same Xml Data

    If I want to generate fusion chart which will have same category axis . I've 2 tabs in which I want to show 2 different charts and both will have same category but y axis is going to be different. To avoid 2 server calls I'm creating xml from server which have data for both the charts but depending on some parameter I want to disable one chart in 1st tab and other in 2nd. So that I can use same xml and I don't need to create xml again and I can create 2 charts having same category axis. Is there any such way ? Can you plz provide example ?
  3. Pie chart does not show values as smart label for smaller values. If Pie chart has got many sections which contributes to whole pie chart , in this case pie chart does not show values which are smaller compared to pie's larger sections. I want pie to display all pie sections with smart labels even if any of that pie's section has got 0 value or lesser value or even if total number of pie section are more than 40 or 50. Is there any way to achieve this ?
  4. I want to create a fusion chart, in that I want stacked columns + line chart In line chart I want to show 2 lines one with left Y axis and one with Right Y axis. ex. on x axis I've dates on left Y axis I want to show rooms sold for that dates and right Y axis I want to show revenue generated for that date, so these 2 line will show rooms and revenue for dates of x axis. In this possible, i did not get this in charts. When I gave parentYAxis="Y" for line it's getting converted into stacked column plz sugges which swf I've to use here.
  5. Can anyone from fusion chart's moderator comment on this? Whether this kind of chart is available or not so that I can stop my search on this in fusion charts. Thanks, Archana
  6. Hello Anshu, You had asked for snaphot of requirement , I've attached snaphot, There are 2 lines ,I want one of them to be linked with primary Y axis and other with secondary Y axis. Currently I'm using , MSCombiDY2D.swf with CombiDY2D4.html but here they have used multi series instead of stacked chart. Thanks, Archana
  7. Looks like it's limitation in fusion charts I've attached one chart image , there are 2 lines in chart. I want one of them to be linked with primary Y axis and another to be linked with secondary Y axis. Thanks, Archana
  8. Thanks for your input but here also both line charts are pointing to right side Y axis. I want one line chart to be linked with left side Y axis and one with right side Y axis i.e. one line with primary y axis and another with secondary y axis. Thanks, Archana
  9. Again if my requirement is not clear, I want Stacked Columns to be plotted against primary y-axis and lines are plotted against y axis and these lines y axis should be configurable. Thanks, Archana
  10. I've tried same swf but it does not create another line with primary Y axis. Please refer attached files. Regards, ARchana FPD.xml StCol3DLineDY2_Arc.html
  11. I'll try to send that just now...I don't have that. But requirement is, to have stacked 3d column chart with dual Y axis line chart or stacked column chart with dual Y axis line chart or multi series column chart with dual y axis line chart but would prefer 1st 2 as priority. Thanks, Archana
  12. I've already posted this in other forum but I did not get reply explaining how to make dataURL locale aware...and that was wrong place to post so I' again posting this topic here. I'm using dataURL attribute where I'm giving path of my servlet. In my servlet I'm creating xml required for displaying fusion chart and writing that in ServletOutputStraem. When this servlet gets called using dataURL I'm getting en_us locale in that servlet even if I change my locale to chinese locale because of which I get x-axis and y-axis in english only. but I'm getting correct locale in jsp where I've given dataURL path of my servlet. Can anyne tell me how can I get correct browser locale using this dataURL attribute? below is my sample: <param name="FlashVars" value="ChartNoDataText=<%= resource.getMessage(request.getLocale(),"Error.key")%> &LoadDataErrorText=<%=resource.getMessage(request. getLocale(),"Error.key")%>&dataURL=. /MyServlet"/> Here I'm getting Error.key localized but I'm not getting strings localized which I'm localizing in MyServlet i.e titles or x -y axis labels
  13. I'm using dataURL attribute where I'm giving path of my servlet. In my servlet I'm creating xml required for displaying fusion chart and writing that in ServletOutputStraem. When this servlet gets called using dataURL I'm getting en_us locale in that servlet even if I change my locale to chinese locale because of which I get x-axis and y-axis in english only. but I'm getting correct locale in jsp where I've given dataURL path of my servlet. Can anyne tell me how can I get correct browser locale using this dataURL attribute? below is my sample: <param name="FlashVars" value="ChartNoDataText=<%=resource.getMessage(request.getLocale(),"Error.key")%>&LoadDataErrorText=<%=resource.getMessage(request.getLocale(),"Error.key")%>&dataURL=./MyServlet"/> Here I'm getting Error.key localized but I'm not getting strings localized which I'm localizing in MyServlet i.e titles or x -y axis labels
  14. Thanks for first informing that I've posted topic in wrong place. I was wondering why I'm not getting replies. Problem is not with the Chinese charcters, if I pass chinese characters then I do get those corrcetly in Chinese language but when I hit MyServlet url and control goes to MyServet then over there I get locale=en always. This is my problem. Even page which sends request to MYservlet gets localized correctly but on MyServlet I get always english locale so whatver values I try to localize there I get in English. Is there any need or way by which I can set dataURL parameter as "use locale"..somthing like this?
  15. No one has any idea how to solve this issue? I also observed we can not pass 2 parmeter as a query string wth that servlet url, when I tried to send 2 I could get value of only one and 2nd parameter returns null value.
  16. X-Aixs Values Does Not Fit In The Box

    Can't you increase the width of that component? I think that will solve ur problem.
  17. 3D Pie Size

    Which size do u actually refer to ? Do u mean radious of pie ? or do you mean size of section of pie ? If it is section of pie then that is correct behaviour but if it radious of pie chart then you can give fix size to pie chart by giving: pieRadius='100' or any other value in which you would like to see ur pie chart.
  18. Unable scroll when cursor is on 3D pie chart. I'm using Pie3D.swf. I also noticed same issue on examples given in fusion charts site. When we try to scroll down or up when cursor is on pie chart's are then it does not scroll but all other charts like bar chart or line chart do not have this issue. Is it limitation or by setting some attribute we can actually scroll through pie chart?
  19. Tool tip not displayed when values are less in pie chart xml. But this behavior is not similar all the time, sometimes it also hides values which are less even pies having 3 or 4 values does not show tooltip. I could not understand the pattern of this behavior. I've checked xml used for generating these pie charts and there are values in xml, I'm not using toolText attribute but using default behavior of chart. What can be the reason?
  20. Thank you very much for your feedback. Do you suggest any other chart type (bar chart) which does not have this issue or is there any way to solve this as this is not consistent because sometimes I've seen tooltip's for bar chart when value is 0 for other bar charts I'm using in application.
  21. I'm using , MSCombi2D.swf for generating chart in jsp file.
  22. Here 'WWWW' does not show first bar's value. KKKKKKK does not show first bar's value. AA&A does not show both bar's tooltip MMMM does not show both There are also more cases in this xml which does not show any tooltip but I think these much info. sufficient. PieChart.xml
  23. When I used labelStep='10' attribute chart shows labels on interval of 10 on x axis but because of this many time my last data point also get hide. I want to show labels on every 10th interval but also want to show my last data point even that is not multiple of 10. How to do this? eq: if dates from 1st to 31st are on x axis and I've used lavelStep=10 then chart does not show my 31st day which is last day but I want to show that.