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Everything posted by gurudutt

  1. Help! Invalid Xml Data

    whats the problem here. i think xml data is perfect...
  2. Help! Invalid Xml Data

    ok thanks.. for this valuable information... i have to find some other solution for this....
  3. Help! Invalid Xml Data

    i want to use fusion map to show countries on world map.. via longitude and latitude. i have DB... table having entity longitude, latitude and countryname... i can not able to understand the marker system... i want to use dataurl method like i use in fusion chart as it shown above.... i tried to do but can not understand very well the live example of fusion map "Hits By Country" . can any one help me. what to do change in my above code of fusion chart to get xml well for "Hits By Country".
  4. Help! Invalid Xml Data

    thanks... its working... i m note focusing on that... i just check xml format inside <graph>..... </graph>
  5. Help! Invalid Xml Data

    the above code works well on my old server... i does not change any of line in code... but when i uploaded on my new webserver... it ijust shows invalid xml data... its a part of my project for final year. and very thanks to fusion chart developer to make such a great product for college students that is free to use....
  6. Help! Invalid Xml Data

    <?php session_start(); $email=$_SESSION["email"]; require("dbconnect.php"); $clr=array('AFD8F8','F6BD0F','8BBA00', 'FF8E46', '008E8E', 'D64646', '8E468E', '588526', 'B3AA00', '008ED6', '9D080D', 'A186BE'); $sql="select * From users where email='$email'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); if(mysql_num_rows($result)!=0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $uid=$row['uid']; } } $sql1="select os,count(os) as share From stat where uid='$uid' group by os;"; $result1=mysql_query($sql1); echo "<graph caption='Browser Share' xAxisName='Browser' yAxisName='Share' showNames='1' animation='1' lableDisplay=' STAGGER' showLabels='1' rotateLabels='0' showShadow='1' showAlternateVGridColor='1' alternateVGridAlpha='10' alternateVGridColor='AFD8F8' numDivLines='4' decimalPrecision='0' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='114B78' baseFontColor='114B78' hoverCapBorderColor='114B78' hoverCapBgColor='E7EFF6' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>"; $i=0; if(mysql_num_rows($result1)!=0) { //echo "uiiiiii===>>>$uid"; while($col=mysql_fetch_array($result1)){ $i++; echo "<set name='".$col['os'] ."' value='".$col['share']."' color='".$clr[$i%12]."' />"; } } else echo "error"; echo "</graph>"; ?>