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About lemp

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  1. Allow custom error message to be passed back to the page/graph. See thread: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/ShwMessage.aspx?TopicID=4138&ForumID=28&PageIndex=1&Update=1 When the JS event FC_NoDataToDisplay fires, I have no clue why there is no data because nothing is passed back to the function except the chart id. I see 2 possibilities to solve this and they could be used both: - allow the ChartNoDataText to be set in the XML - allow a "JSparam" element to be set in the XML that would be passed back to the JS events. This element could contains a string of text or JSON that the function could use to customize his behavior on the fly.
  2. Custom error message

    Hi Rajroop, when the JS event FC_NoDataToDisplay fires, I have no clue why there is no data because nothing is passed back to the function except the chart id. I see 2 possibilities to solve this and they could be used both: - allow the ChartNoDataText to be set in the XML - allow a "JSparam" element to be set in the XML that would be passed back to the JS events. This element could contains a string of text or JSON that the function could use to customize his behavior on the fly.
  3. Custom error message

    It would be great to be able to insert a ChartNoDataText custom message in the XML. When the user change the state of a graph and there is no data, we could send a specific message on why this is happening instead of the generic one ("No data to display" or a personalized version). Even if we use the JS event (FC_NoDataToDisplay), we still can
  4. Is it possible to display data label when using multi-series column (instead of category label)?