Harikrishnan Sivarajan

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About Harikrishnan Sivarajan

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/31/1981

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  • Location
    Cochin, India

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  1. Y-Axis Font Color

    Hi, Can we change/set the y-axis font color? please see the attached image. Thanks and reagrds HAri
  2. Avoid Animation

    Hello Its working fine thanks :)
  3. Avoid Animation

    Hello Can we avoid the animation while creating the line,? Any idea? please do reply Thanks hari
  4. Special Chart For Blood Pressue

    Yes we need this. is this free?
  5. Special Chart For Blood Pressue

    Hello Thanks for the reply... 1 more quote. Can we add multiple y-axis in the line chart(right and left)..IS this possible? left for systolic and right for diastolic.. is this possible? please reply Thanks hari
  6. Special Chart For Blood Pressue

    Hello This is our requirement for creating the chart for Blood pressure Please see the attached image Here Normal getting based on two values.Systolic and diastolic. Is there any chart availablity for this requirement.in fusion chart ?....not same as the image which i have attched earlier... Please do reply.. regards Harikrishnan.S
  7. Special Chart For Blood Pressue

    Hi, Can we create a chart like this . I have attached a image This is a chart for Blood Pressure. Please do reply Thanks and regards HAri
  8. Need To Show The Startvalues/endvalue In Trendline

    Hi Thanks for the reply I need to display all values(startvalue,endvalue and display value) <line startValue='30' endValue='70' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Low Glucose' color='0099a5' alpha='75'/> is that possible ? pls reply my xm l file added <chart showYaxisValues='0' canvasPadding='30' legendPadding='100' yAxisMaxValue='150' yAxisMinValue='30' bgColor='ffffff,36AF50,dd5904' canvasBgColor='ffffff' caption='Glucose Report' paletteColors='' showToolTipShadow='1' toolTipBorderColor='red' yAxisName='' formatNumberScale='0' xAxisName=''> <set label='2009' value='' /> <set label='2010' value='50' /> <set label='2011' value='60' /> <set label='2012' value='100' /> <set label='' value='' /> <trendlines> <line startValue='30' endValue='70' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Low Glucose' color='0099a5' alpha='75'/> </trendlines> <trendlines> <line startValue='70' endValue='116' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Normal glucose' color='7fft7t' alpha='75'/> </trendlines> <trendlines> <line startValue='116' endValue='150' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='High Glucose' color='ff2aff' alpha='75'/> </trendlines> <styles> <definition> <style name='myCaptionFont' bgColor='ffff00' type='font' font='verdana' size='10' isHTML='0' color='666666' bold='0'/> <style name='myShadow' type='Shadow' color='999999' angle='45' bgColor='FFFFDD'/> <style name='myGlow' size='40' bold='1' type='Glow' color='FF5904' underline='1' bgColor='FFFFDD'/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='' styles='myCaptionFont,myShadow' /> <apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myShadow' /> <apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myCaptionFont' /> </application> </styles> </chart>
  9. Heloo I have to show the startvalues/endvalue in trendline See the attched image is that possible
  10. Hide Y Axis Values

    Hi, That's working fine. Thanks hari
  11. Hide Y Axis Values

    Hi, How can we hide tha y axis values. see the attached image. Please do reply Thanks and regards HAri MY xml added <chart canvasPadding='30' legendPadding='100' yAxisMaxValue='300' yAxisMinValue='100' bgColor='ffffff,36AF50,dd5904' canvasBgColor='ffffff' caption='Cholesterol Report' paletteColors='' showToolTipShadow='1' toolTipBorderColor='red' yAxisName='' formatNumberScale='0' xAxisName=''> <set label='2009' value='' /> <set label='2010' value='200' /> <set label='2011' value='' /> <set label='' value='' /> <trendlines> <line startValue='100' endValue='200' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Normal Cholesterol' color='426569' alpha='100'/> </trendlines> <trendlines> <line startValue='200' endValue='220' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Above Cholesterol' color='a2b4be' alpha='100'/> </trendlines> <trendlines> <line startValue='220' endValue='300' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='High Cholesterol' color='7597c4' alpha='100'/> </trendlines> <styles> <definition> <style name='myCaptionFont' bgColor='ffff00' type='font' font='verdana' size='10' isHTML='0' color='666666' bold='1'/> <style name='myShadow' type='Shadow' color='999999' angle='45' bgColor='FFFFDD'/> <style name='myGlow' size='40' bold='1' type='Glow' color='FF5904' underline='1' bgColor='FFFFDD'/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='' styles='myCaptionFont,myShadow' /> <apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myShadow' /> <apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myCaptionFont' /> </application> </styles> </chart>
  12. Charts Showing Data Less Than Minimum Value

    Hello we cannot add the values in the chart,(showYAxisValues='0' showLabels='0' ) cos we adding the data programetically. So yaxisvalues hiding all the charts.This is not accepable see the attach file pls reply any hope
  13. Charts Showing Data Less Than Minimum Value

    Vesion : 3.2.1 Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 450 Initial Height: 250 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Version: 3.2.1 Chart Type: Single Series 2D Line Chart Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME DIVLINES VDIVLINES YAXISVALUES HGRID VGRID DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES DATAPLOT ANCHORS TOOLTIP VLINES VLINELABELS INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is divChartCOL INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data: <chart showYAxisValues="0" showLabels="1" canvasPadding="30" legendPadding="100" yAxisMaxValue="300" yAxisMinValue="100" bgColor="ffffff,36AF50,dd5904" canvasBgColor="ffffff" caption="CHOLESTEROL REPORT" paletteColors="" showToolTipShadow="1" toolTipBorderColor="red" yAxisName="Cholesterol" formatNumberScale="0" xAxisName=""><set label="2009" value="" /><set label="2010" value=" " /><set label="2011" value=" " /><set label="2012" value=" " /><set label="" value="" /><trendlines> <line startValue="100" endValue="200" isTrendZone="1" displayValue="Normal Cholesterol" color="0099a5" alpha="75" /></trendlines><trendlines> <line startValue="200" endValue="220" isTrendZone="1" displayValue="Above Cholesterol" color="7fft7t" alpha="75" /></trendlines><trendlines> <line startValue="220" endValue="300" isTrendZone="1" displayValue="High Cholesterol" color="ff2aff" alpha="75" /></trendlines><styles><definition><style name="myCaptionFont" bgColor="ffff00" type="font" font="verdana" size="10" isHTML="0" color="666666" bold="0" /><style name="myShadow" type="Shadow" color="999999" angle="45" bgColor="FFFFDD" /><style name="myGlow" size="40" bold="1" type="Glow" color="FF5904" underline="1" bgColor="FFFFDD" /></definition><application><apply toObject="" styles="myCaptionFont,myShadow" /><apply toObject="XAxisName" styles="myShadow" /><apply toObject="YAxisName" styles="myCaptionFont" /></application></styles></chart> ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers. ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers. ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers. ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers. ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers. Invalid Chart Object in Style Definition: "" is not a valid Chart Object. Please see the list above for valid Chart Objects.
  14. Charts Showing Data Less Than Minimum Value

    No way.. The issue is ther.... Please help
  15. Charts Showing Data Less Than Minimum Value

    I have to show the graph is must, but hide the x-axis/yaxis values. my xml attached <chart canvasPadding='30' legendPadding='100' yAxisMaxValue='300' yAxisMinValue='100' bgColor='ffffff,36AF50,dd5904' canvasBgColor='ffffff' caption='CHOLESTEROL REPORT' paletteColors='' showToolTipShadow='1' toolTipBorderColor='red' yAxisName='' formatNumberScale='0' xAxisName=''> <set label='2009' value='' /> <set label='2010' value='' /> <set label='2011' value='' /> <set label='' value='' /> <trendlines> <line startValue='100' endValue='200' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Normal Cholesterol' color='426569' alpha='100'/> </trendlines> <trendlines> <line startValue='200' endValue='220' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Above Cholesterol' color='a2b4be' alpha='100'/> </trendlines> <trendlines> <line startValue='220' endValue='300' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='High Cholesterol' color='7597c4' alpha='100'/> </trendlines> <styles> <definition> <style name='myCaptionFont' bgColor='ffff00' type='font' font='verdana' size='10' isHTML='0' color='666666' bold='1'/> <style name='myShadow' type='Shadow' color='999999' angle='45' bgColor='FFFFDD'/> <style name='myGlow' size='40' bold='1' type='Glow' color='FF5904' underline='1' bgColor='FFFFDD'/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='' styles='myCaptionFont,myShadow' /> <apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myShadow' /> <apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myCaptionFont' /> </application> </styles> </chart>