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About roddy

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  1. I am trying to render a map with dynamic content via data given to a php file with GET parameters. However, the method only appears capable of sending one parameter! In the PHP: echo ' PowerMaps var map = new PowerMap("../swf/FCMap_USA.swf", "Map1Id", "750", "400", "0", "0"); map.setDataURL("maps_data_xml.php?start_date=02-19-2008&words=haagen&normalized=1"); map.render("mapdiv"); '; And in the page source it looks OK: PowerMaps var map = new PowerMap("../swf/FCMap_USA.swf", "Map1Id", "750", "400", "0", "0"); map.setDataURL("maps_data_xml.php?start_date=02-19-2008&words=haagen&normalized=1"); map.render("mapdiv"); OK, all good, but in the apache logs the page is given as at: i.e. no second or third parameter. I flipped the order of the parameters and only the first one is ever sent (i.e. if I put "words" first then the words get sent but none of the others) I think this is a major bug unless I am doing something wrong....I use similar methods with FusionCharts and never have any problems.