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Is It Possible To Show 2 Values In A Single Row In Ssgrid?
daade replied to daade's topic in General usage
I'm sorry but doesn't work -
Hi All; I have a question about Bar chart. I'm using the barchart like a progressbar.. I have a variable named AcilanSandik. It shows the percentage of opened boxes in the elementary. I'm sending what is desired..
yesss this is what I want to do thank you a lot
for example in my example image look at the first chart in that chart legend values at x-axis finish at 16%, but it is loaded that as it, it is at the hundred percent. at the second chart what I want to do; legend values at x-axis are correct and finish at 100% and the chart is loaded according to hundred percent value. I want to create my chart like the second one..
it means a reference value. For example, for my chart, it should be 100. Because I want to show my openedBox value according to 100%. As a mentioned before.. The percentage of <SET> element should be positioned according to 100%.
I've only FusionCharts Package.. So, I can not use FusionWidgets. is there any way to assign a reference percentage of the graph? inside of XML is below <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chart captionPadding="2" chartTopMargin="2" chartLeftMargin="2" chartBottomMargin="2" numberPrefix="%25" chartRightMargin="2" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" decimalPrecision="2" showNames="1"> <set name="AÇILAN SANDIK" value="12" color="000000" /> <styles> <definition> <style name="CaptionFont" type="font" face="Verdana" size="18" color="000000" bold="1" /> <style name="myDataLabelFont" type="font" font="Helvetica" size="15" bold="1" italic="0" /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="Caption" styles="CaptionFont" /> <apply toObject="DataLabels" styles="myDataLabelFont" /> </application> </styles> </chart>
Hi All; I have a problem with rendering the chart. When I work on localhost, there is no problem with the charts, it works fine. But after publishing the application to my IIS, my charts doesnt seem.. and gives a message titled "Error in loading data".. Before giving the error message, it says "retreiving data, please wait", it retreieves the data but does not show.. Please help..
Is there any way to add icons instead of colorizing according to item? (in SSGrid)
and some other thing.. is there any way to colorize the background according to item value?
Thank you Angshu for your kind message and rapid answer
my function is written below protected string CreatePieChart(int il) { string ilinAdi = tr_ilAdGetir(il); string path = "" + ilinAdi + "Pie.xml"; string path2 = FusionCharts.EncodeDataURL(path,true); return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf",path2, "", ilinAdi+"Pie", "548", "305", false); } is there anything that I'm missing?
I have a pie chart. I want to change the slice colors. How can I do this? Thanks for your replies..
Hi All; I'm a bit new on FusionCharts and AJAX. I'm trying to write a program that must show some PieCharts in every 10 seconds.. Showing the specific charts works fine, but after implementing on updatepanel, it began to not to be shown.. There is nothing on the page, it is blank.. Could you please tell where I'm missing. Design page code is below <div class="celldiv" id="chartdiv1" style="padding-top: 10px; width: 548px; height: 305px;"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="false"> <ContentTemplate> <!--Here is, where the chart have to be shown--> </ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel></div> here is the timer tick procedure that should update the UpdatePanel private void timer2_Tick(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { GlobalClass.GlobalVar += 1; count = Convert.ToInt32(GlobalClass.GlobalVar); UpdatePanel1.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Clear(); UpdatePanel1.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(CreatePieChart(count))); } and createPieChart procedure is.. protected string CreatePieChart(int il) { string ilinAdi = ilAdGetir(il); string path = "http://localhost:2488/Data/" + ilinAdi + "Pie.xml"; return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf",path, "", ilinAdi+"Pie", "548", "305", false); }
Hi again I'm using fusioncharts for generating some charts about Turkey's general elections. I send the data to an xml. In an other page,I'm picking the XML and showing the chart. Everything is OK from now on. When the chart is shown, Turkish Characters doesn't seem right on.. I think I have to append a language code like utf-8, but didnt find which code snippet I should append, and where to append??
Hi Guys Nevermind the previous post. It works after inserting the below code to the top of strXML stream. "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"; Thank you for your kind answers
I think something is wrong with me.. I still could not understand how I can show the chart.. The places where I'm saving XML file and rendering chart are different.. the place where I'm saving XML : XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(strXML); path = Server.MapPath(".") + "/Data/" + ilAdGetir(il); doc.Save(path+"Pie.xml"); the place where I'm rendering chart : <div class="celldiv" id="chartdiv1" style="padding-top: 10px; width: 548px; height: 305px;"> <%=CreatePieChart(Convert.ToInt32(Session["ilId"]))%></div> and CreatePieChart() is: protected string CreatePieChart(int il) { string ilinAdi = ilAdGetir(il); string path = "http://localhost:2488/Data/" + ilinAdi + "Pie.xml"; return FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf",path, "", ilinAdi+"Pie", "548", "305", false, false); } And Could you please tell me, where to paste BOM code????
but I have to save an XML file for each city votes.. saving XML file is must.. is there any way to do this in XML file?
Thank you Angshu I tried your reply, but doesnot work Could you please tell me, where I'm misunderstanding.. I'm sending the code snippet and the error message strXML = "<chart captionPadding='2' chartTopMargin='2' chartLeftMargin='2' chartBottomMargin='2' chartRightMargin='2' caption='" + ilAdGetir(il) + "' bgcolor='#EEEEEE' decimalPrecision='2' showNames='1' numberPrefix=' %25' decimalSeparator='.' >"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { PartiAd = partiAdGetir(Convert.ToInt32(ilk6Parti[i, 0])); strXML += "<set name='" + PartiAd.ToString() + "' value='" + Convert.ToString(ilk6Parti[i, 1]) + "' />"; } strXML += "<set name='DİĞER' value='" + Convert.ToString(diger) + "' />"; strXML += "<styles>"; strXML += "<definition>"; strXML += "<style name='CaptionFont' type='font' face='Verdana' size='18' color='000000' bold='1' />"; strXML += "</definition>"; strXML += "<application>"; strXML += "<apply toObject='Caption' styles='CaptionFont' />"; strXML += "</application>"; strXML += "</styles>"; strXML += "</chart>"; strXML = strXML.Replace(",", "."); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); Response.ContentType = "text/xml; characterset=utf-8"; Response.BinaryWrite(new byte[] { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF }); doc.LoadXml(strXML); path = Server.MapPath(".") + "/Data/" + ilAdGetir(il); doc.Save(path+"Pie.xml"); ///////AND THE ERROR IS : This page contains the following errors: error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Hi all; I'm a bit new on fusioncharts. So, if i'm not in the right place, please notify me.. I'm trying to generate a piechart that should have a big font sized title(caption). I tried lots of ways but it doesnt work properly.. whatever I tried, It worked on columnbar, but not worked in piechart.. Could you please help me.. how I can show the caption as big sized than the other text elements..? code snippet may be useful to understand... strXML = "<chart captionPadding='2' chartTopMargin='2' chartLeftMargin='2' chartBottomMargin='2' chartRightMargin='2' caption='ADANA' bgcolor='#EEEEEE' decimalPrecision='2' showNames='1' numberPrefix=' %25' decimalSeparator='.' >"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { PartiAd = partiAdGetir(Convert.ToInt32(ilk6Parti[i, 0])); strXML += "<set name='" + PartiAd.ToString() + "' value='" + Convert.ToString(ilk6Parti[i, 1]) + "' />"; } strXML += "<set name='DİĞER' value='" + Convert.ToString(diger) + "' />"; strXML +="<styles>"; strXML +="<definition>"; strXML +="<style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' face='Verdana' size='18' color='FF0000' bold='1' bgColor='FFFFDD' />"; strXML +="<style name='MyFirstAnimationStyle' type='animation' param='_xScale' start='0' duration='2' />"; strXML +="<style name='MyFirstShadow' type='Shadow' color='CCCCCC' />"; strXML +="</definition>"; strXML +="<application>"; strXML +="<apply toObject='Caption' styles='MyFirstFontStyle,MyFirstShadow' />"; strXML +="</application>"; strXML +="</styles>"; strXML += "</chart>"; strXML = strXML.Replace(",", "."); return FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "", strXML, "ilPie", "600", "300", false, false);
thank you Angshu it works!!! see you soon again