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Everything posted by seb92

  1. Hello First, excuse me for my english. I'm from France. In the Stacked Column 2D Chart, I want to print the sum of the 2 data, and of curse, the value 0. In fact, I have this ( See the attachment to view a copy of my code. The 'code' balise don't work here ! I don't know why.): The sum value in my first column of my chart is 50 (20 + 30) and it is written. The sum value in my second column of my chart is 0, but it's not written. Can you help me, please ? Thank you
  2. Value Zero with StackedColumn2D

    Hi It's OK , but :ermm: now, when I Have a number like 1837, my chart print 1,837 ! And I don't want this too ! I want only this : 1837 I try with ThousandSeparator= '' but it's always 1,837. With ThousandSeparator= ' ' (a space) I have 1 837. Have you another idea ? Thank you.
  3. Value Zero with StackedColumn2D

    Hi No, I'm trying with 0.0001, the value is written but not 0 (see attached file)