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Everything posted by griffo

  1. hello, I have been using the candlestick chart in laszlo, which works fine with up to 16 candles, but if i add more then the chart does not display. The charts in the examples have up to 30 candles. I will potentially be displaying over 100 candles in a chart. Does anyone know why this does not work when more than 16 cnadles are added? I have added code below, with a dataset that should work. There are some commented set nodes which if uncommented the chart will not display. thanks griffo <canvas debug="true"> <dataset name="fusionChartDS2"> <chart numPDivLines="5" labelDisplay='ROTATE' caption="XYZ - 3 Months" PYAxisName="Expression Level" > <categories> <category label="TPB2008020401Aaa.CEL" x="1"/> <category label="TPB2008020402Aaa.CEL" x="2"/> <category label="TPB2008020404Aaa.CEL" x="3"/> <category label="TPB2008020405Aaa.CEL" x="4"/> <category label="TPB2008020409Aaa.CEL" x="5"/> <category label="TPB2008020418Aaa.CEL" x="6"/> <category label="TPB2008020419Aaa.CEL" x="7"/> <category label="TPB2008020420Aaa.CEL" x="8"/> <category label="TPB2008021102Aaa.CEL" x="9"/> <category label="TPB2008021115Aaa.CEL" x="10"/> <category label="TPB2008021118Aaa.CEL" x="11"/> <category label="TPB2008021120Aaa.CEL" x="12"/> <category label="TPB2008020403Aaa.CEL" x="13"/> <category label="TPB2008020406Aaa.CEL" x="14"/> <category label="TPB2008020407Aaa.CEL" x="15"/> <category label="TPB2008020408Aaa.CEL" x="16"/> </categories> <dataset seriesName="T" color="CD5555"> <set low="40" open="153" close="704" high="1530" x="1" color="CD5555"/> <set low="47" open="165" close="651" high="1380" x="2" color="CD5555"/> <set low="46" open="147" close="590" high="1254" x="3" color="CD5555"/> <set low="47" open="131" close="539" high="1151" x="4" color="CD5555"/> <set low="48" open="155" close="613" high="1300" x="5" color="CD5555"/> <set low="46" open="131" close="558" high="1198" x="6" color="CD5555"/> <set low="50" open="157" close="700" high="1514" x="7" color="CD5555"/> <set low="51" open="169" close="740" high="1596" x="8" color="CD5555"/> <set low="40" open="149" close="678" high="1471" x="9" color="CD5555"/> <set low="48" open="162" close="716" high="1547" x="10" color="CD5555"/> <set low="48" open="155" close="704" high="1527" x="11" color="CD5555"/> <set low="48" open="186" close="775" high="1658" x="12" color="CD5555"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="C" color="FF6600"> <set low="35" open="158" close="660" high="1413" x="13" color="FF6600"/> <set low="48" open="168" valuetext="Median-295" close="634" high="1333" x="14" color="FF6600"/> <set low="52" open="177" valuetext="Median-311" close="677" high="1427" x="15" color="FF6600"/> <set low="45" open="156" valuetext="Median-282" close="652" high="1396" x="16" color="FF6600"/> <!-- if add these extra sets then the chart does not display: <set low="45" open="154" valuetext="Median-288" close="677" high="1461" x="17" color="FF6600"/> <set low="43" open="147" valuetext="Median-256" close="567" high="1197" x="18" color="FF6600"/> <set low="44" open="140" valuetext="Median-246" close="548" high="1160" x="19" color="FF6600"/> <set low="46" open="160" valuetext="Median-325" close="798" high="1755" x="20" color="FF6600"/> <set low="40" open="165" valuetext="Median-315" close="742" high="1607" x="21" color="FF6600"/>--> </dataset> </chart> </dataset> <class name="FusionChart" resource="empty"> <attribute name="chartDataset" value="null"/> <attribute name="chartSwf" value="null" type="string"/> <attribute name="protectStage" value="false" type="boolean"/> <handler name="oninit"> this.loadChart(); </handler> <method name="loadChart"> var mc = this.getMCRef(); mc._lockroot = true; var p = new LzParam(); p.addValue("dataXML", this.chartDataset.childNodes[0].serialize(), true); p.addValue("chartWidth", this.width); p.addValue("chartHeight", this.height); if (this.protectStage) p.addValue("Stage", null); mc.loadMovie(this.chartSwf + "?" + p.toString()); Debug.write("should have created chart"); </method> </class> <simplelayout axis="y" spacing="20"></simplelayout> <view width="80%" clip="true"> <view > <FusionChart id="chart1" align="center" valign="top" width="1000" height="400" protectStage="true" chartDataset="fusionChartDS2" chartSwf="../../FusionCharts/CandleStick.swf"/> </view> <hscrollbar/> </view> </canvas>
  2. Hello, How is it possible to invoke the FusionCHartSave.jsp code programmatically, that is, without the user have to right click and save as image? After the user has displayed the images in the browser, I would like them to be automatically saved to the server ready for the creation of a pdf. thanks griffo
  3. candlestick chart not displaying

    Hi Pallav, again the debugger only displays when there are 16 or fewer candlesticks. When there are more there is just a blank screen, no error messages are displayed. This is the infor from the debugger window when there are 16 candlesticks: Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 700 Initial Height: 400 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Version: 3.0.3 Chart Type: Candle Stick Chart Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION PYAXISNAME VYAXISNAME DIVLINES YAXISVALUES HGRID DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES VTRENDLINES VTRENDVALUES PRICEPLOT VOLUMEPLOT TRENDSETS ANCHORS TOOLTIP VLINES LEGEND INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data:
  4. chart event in laszlo

    Dear all, I recently started using Fusion Charts in my app and very nice there are to. ( However I can't work out how to catch mouse click events fired when a value is clicked on in the chart. I tried to apply the 'handling click events' info in the 'Guide for Flash Developers' in the online fusion documentation ( But it looks like the event trys to launch a new page and a 404 error is captured. Has anyone got this to work in laszlo? thanks G save chart this.loadChart(); var mc = this.getMCRef(); mc._lockroot = true; var p = new LzParam(); p.addValue("dataXML", this.chartDataset.childNodes[0].serialize(), true); p.addValue("chartWidth", this.width); p.addValue("chartHeight", this.height); if (this.protectStage) p.addValue("Stage", null); mc.loadMovie(this.chartSwf + "?" + p.toString()); Debug.write("should have created chart"); this.loadChart(); align="center" valign="top" width="600" height="400" protectStage="true" chartDataset="fusionLineChartDS" chartSwf="../../FusionCharts/Line.swf"/>
  5. chart event in laszlo

    Hi, I hadn't added that, but have now, as an attribute to the chart node, but the same error is occuring. I tried to post some example working laszlo code in the code brackets, but it didn't show for some reason. I have attached the lzx file as FusionLaszloChart_Event_Save.txt thanks g save chart this.loadChart(); var mc = this.getMCRef(); mc._lockroot = true; var p = new LzParam(); p.addValue("dataXML", this.chartDataset.childNodes[0].serialize(), true); p.addValue("chartWidth", this.width); p.addValue("chartHeight", this.height); if (this.protectStage) p.addValue("Stage", null); mc.loadMovie(this.chartSwf + "?" + p.toString()); Debug.write("should have created chart"); this.loadChart(); align="center" valign="top" width="600" height="400" protectStage="true" chartDataset="fusionLineChartDS" chartSwf="../../FusionCharts/Line.swf"/> FusionLaszloChart_Event_Save.txt
  6. laszlo how to save image

    hello, I recently started using Fusion Charts in my app and they're still very nice to. ( As well as not being able to catch mouse click events (see my previous post) I am also having trouble saving the image. I tried to apply the 'saving chart as image' info in the online fusion documentation ( I created a script/function to call the chart.saveAsImage() function, but it is not recognized. Has anyone got this to work in laszlo? thanks G save chart this.loadChart(); var mc = this.getMCRef(); mc._lockroot = true; var p = new LzParam(); p.addValue("dataXML", this.chartDataset.childNodes[0].serialize(), true); p.addValue("chartWidth", this.width); p.addValue("chartHeight", this.height); if (this.protectStage) p.addValue("Stage", null); mc.loadMovie(this.chartSwf + "?" + p.toString()); Debug.write("should have created chart"); this.loadChart(); align="center" valign="top" width="600" height="400" protectStage="true" chartDataset="fusionLineChartDS" chartSwf="../../FusionCharts/Line.swf"/>