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About w424637

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Is it possible to Color code a column chart based on the value of the column. eg. A column that has a value of < 1 is colored RED A column that has a value > 1 is colored GREEN. Any direction here would be gratefully received. Simon
  2. Column Chart Transparency

    OK - Found it at last - showAlternateHGridColor=0
  3. Column Chart Transparency

    Further attempts - very frustrated. If I make the chart a Column3D - the Canvas background will become transparent. If I make it Column2D - the Canvas is striped. What is the difference here? Something else needs to be adjusted for a 2D chart but I don't know what? S
  4. Column Chart Transparency

    Hi Ive read that and followed it. I still get a stripe on the Canvas of the chart.(one stripe background / 1 stripe grey etc) This is the code: #Store chart attributes in a variable $strParam="caption=Wagering Profit (WSP);bgAlpha=0,0;canvasbgAlpha=0;"; I have tried #Store chart attributes in a variable $strParam="caption=Wagering Profit (WSP);bgAlpha=0,0;canvasbgAlpha=0,0;"; AND my render code echo renderChart("FusionCharts/FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", $strDataURL, "", "chart1", 300, 200, false, true, true); Whats left to change? thanks Simon
  5. Column Chart Transparency

    Having real trouble getting my column chart to be transparent The background is still striped one in my background color the other not I'm using this in php to provide the params for it #Store chart attributes in a variable $strParam="caption=Trading Profit Split;bgColor=262626;bgAlpha=100;canvasbgColor=262626,262626;canvasbgAlpha=100,100 ;"; would really like some help thanks SImon