Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. Change Bar Color

    Hi, Could you please follow the steps given below to change the color of bars. * If you are using Multi-Series chart then go to "Series Customization" > "Series X" > "Color" option just beside "Series Name" option and change the color of the selected series. * If you are using SIngle-Series chart then go to "Other Settings" > "Custom Attributes" > Click on "Add" and add "paletteColors" to attribute name section and in Attribute Value type the HEX color code of the desired color separated with commas (,)
  2. Parsing Error

    Hi, Could you please send us the code also so that we can look for the issue?
  3. Oracle Configuration

    Hi, Yes, your SharePoint Server should have Oracle Client Driver installed.
  4. Installation Problems

    Hi Simon, Sorry for the late reply. Could you please re-download the updated version from http://www.fusioncharts.com/sharepoint and install it again, also please make sure to to follow the complete uninstallation process given in the "readme.html" file in the package.
  5. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, To render the chart, you are passing XML string to the DataURL parameter instead of DataXML parameter, please refer to the code below: Wrong code: lbltest.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML( "Fusion Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", strXmlMSDOpenClosed, strXmlMSDOpenClosed, "MSDOpenClosed", "400", "300", false); Correct code: lbltest.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML( "Fusion Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", "", strXmlMSDOpenClosed, "MSDOpenClosed", "400", "300", false); Also, please see the attached image for detailed reference.
  6. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, I am afraid, after looking into the generated code, it seems that you missed to use correct code, please check your code with the code given below and change your code accordingly: System.Xml.XmlDocument oXML = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); oXML.Load("Data/XMLFileMSDOpenClosed.xml"); strXmlMSDOpenClosed = oXML.OuterXml; lbltest.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML( "Fusion Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", "", strXmlMSDOpenClosed, "MSDOpenClosed", "400", "300", false); Please check the bold part in the code given above.
  7. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, It seems from your code that you are still using data URL method to render the chart, could you please send us the HTML code when you was using Data XML method, so that we can look where the XML is breaking.
  8. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, Could you please send us the HTML Generated code for both method (RenderChart and RenderChartHTML) method.
  9. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, Could you please use the following code? System.Xml.XmlDocument oXML = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); oXML.Load("Data/XMLFileMSDOpenClosed.xml"); strXmlMSDOpenClosed = oXML.OuterXml.Replace("\"","\'"); In the above code we are replacing all double quotes (") characters to single quote characters (').
  10. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, The issue you are facing is because the XML file is not being created when chart is fetching data from it, and after 20 seconds when XML file is completed created at the server end then only chart is able to read it properly, so you would need to make sure that when chart tries to read the data from the XML file, this file should have all the data, and the data writing process to the file has completed. Alternatively, you could try the method given below: System.Xml.XmlDocument oXML = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); oXML.Load("Data/XMLFileMSDOpenClosed.xml"); strXmlMSDOpenClosed = oXML.OuterXml; lbltest.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML( "Fusion Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", "", strXmlMSDOpenClosed, "MSDOpenClosed", "400", "300", false); Also, the method you tried in your last post was absolutely wrong with respect to my previous post, because you are not passing any XML data to strXml variable.
  11. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, The method you are using is call data URL method in this method you are passing XML File not XML string/dynamic XML to the chart. And in case of Data XML method you will have to pass the XML String not the file. Example of data XML method: strXml = "<chart><categories><category label='label-1' /><category label='label-2' /></categories><dataset><set value='10' /><set value='20'/></dataset></chart>" lbltest.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML( "Fusion Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", "", strXml, "MSDOpenClosed", "400", "300", false); Also, Please refer to the documentation link http://www.fusioncha...sicExample.html and go to section "Changing the above chart into a single page chart using dataXML method" to get more information on data XML method. Hope this helps.
  12. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, Could you please try the following method and let us know the result: 1. Open the XML URL file from the server side script and then provide the XML data as dataXML method. 2. If the XML file is being generated from the same script from which chart is rendering, then instead of providing the XML URL method, please try using the Data XML (XML String) method.
  13. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, Could you please try once with URL encode method? strXmlMSDOpenClosed = Server.URLEncode(strXmlMSDOpenClosed + "&noCache=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); lbltest.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML( "Fusion Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", strXmlMSDOpenClosed, "", "MSDOpenClosed", "400", "300", false); And, please make sure that if your page has more than one chart then each chart should have a unique chart id. Also, could you please let us know, what do you mean by Wrong data chart - Does it mean that chart is showing previous data even after updating the data or you mean something else?
  14. Rendercharthtml Issue

    Hi Prakash, Its seems that the data is being cache for some reason, a possible solution would be to pass "&noCache=" + Timer Tick Count with the XML URL. Example: strXmlMSDOpenClosed = strXmlMSDOpenClosed + "&noCache=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); lbltest.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML( "Fusion Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", strXmlMSDOpenClosed, "", "MSDOpenClosed", "400", "300", false); Hope this helps.
  15. Hi , Could you please refer to the steps shown in the attached screenshot and let us know if this is what you needed?
  16. Hi, To set the series options, please go to "Series Customization" tab -> X-Axis tab is used to set data labels field, and "Series X" tab is used to set the data value field for that particular Series. So in you case select Value Column: "Status" in "Series 1" tab. Hope this helps.
  17. Sharepoint Beta

    Hi Marcus, Could you please confirm us whether it is occurring each time whenever you are trying to change the chart type (from Single Series to Multi Series or vice versa)? Also, could you please try again with the updated version which is posted in http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/8187-fusioncharts-for-sharepoint-beta-impression/page__st__30 thread and share your result with us?
  18. Hi Kevin, Thanks for the image, after looking into the image we found that you are using older version of FusionCharts for SharePoint that version is not the updated version which was release on Feb 2nd 2011. Also, have you got any chance to check the latest version which I have attached with my previous post?
  19. Hi Kevin, Could you please let us know whether it is working fine or not?
  20. Hi Kevin, Could you please also try using this updated version into your SP 2010 and share the result with us? Also, before installing the new version we request you to please follow the uninstallation instruction provided in the "Readme.html" file in the attached archive. FusionCharts-for-SharePoint-2010.zip
  21. Hi Kevin, If possible could you please send us the response message of ".../WebService.aspx?GetChartXml=" request from FireBug.
  22. Hi Kevin, Thanks for sharing the result with us. It seems that the issue is only with SharePoint list. We are trying to reproduce the issue in our labs and and shall get back to you if we need any more information.
  23. Hi FiftyVik, Could you please let us know that how did you solve "Web part can't be loaded." error and could you please also let us know the OS and SharePoint Server version that you are using?
  24. Hi Kevin, Could you please try creating a chart with a simple CSV data which is given below and share the result with us? CSV Data: "Product","2009","2010" "Product A","235000","198000" "Product B","125100","109300" "Product C","464200","253600" "Product D","434500","345100"