Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. PHP API + MySQL Multi-series chart

    Hi, Could you please try using the following code? Considering your table (ABC) as: Type Code Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 1 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 2 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 Manager Code 3 $strQuery = "select distinct TYPE from ABC"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery); $FC->addCategoryFromDatabase($result, "TYPE"); $strQuery = "SELECT CODE, COUNT(CODE) as total FROM ABC GROUP BY CODE"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery); $FC->addDatasetsFromDatabase($result, "CODE","total"); Please let us know whether it is working or not.
  2. Problem with Nulls

    Hi, Could you please use the following code and try again? if (!oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) { xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />", LableActivity, oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString()); } else { xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='0' />", LableActivity); }
  3. Custom tooltip for pyramid/funnel charts

    Hi Jaideep, Could you please update the package from http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC and try again?
  4. Page Loading Error

    Hi, Could you please send us the HTML generated code of the page?
  5. URL Encoding and drill downs

    Hi, Could you please URL encode the complete URL and try again? Example: var str=escape('http://dummyaddress.com/drilldown.aspx?label=R %26 R Sports Ctr%26value=368927.89');
  6. PHP MySQL Multiseries Bar Chart

    Hi, Could you please let us know the chart's swf name that you are using?
  7. Encoding problem in Mozilla

    Hi, Could you please use unescapeLinks='0' attribute in <chart ...unescapeLinks='0' > tag and try again?
  8. JavaScript error Expected '('

    Hi, Could you please change all your " (double quote) to ' (single quote) in your XML and try again? If it still does not work then please send us the HTML generated code.
  9. Wrong coding of special chars

    Hi, Could you please send us your PHP code, SQL table structure, and what should be correct output?
  10. Invalid XML Data When Using & in Axis Name

    Hi, Could you please send us a working sample so that we can run it in our labs and check for the issue, also it is working fine is our labs please see the attached image.
  11. Hi Nabyendu, I am afriad, it is not possible as those attributes works from XML itself.
  12. Invalid XML Data When Using & in Axis Name

    Hi Martin, Thanks for the XML, could you please also let us know whether you are using dataXML or dataURL method to provide data to the chart? Also please note that if you are using dataXML method then you would need to use ' (single quote) instead of double quote (") everywhere in your XML (to attribute & value pair), so your modified XML would be like: <chart animation='1' bgAlpha='0,0' showBorder='0' useRoundEdges='1' setAdaptiveYMin='1' numberScaleValue='1000000,1000' numberScaleUnit='M,B' caption='' xAxisName='D%26B score of guarantor' yAxisName='' xAxisMinValue='1' xAxisMaxValue='100' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='1000000' showDivLineValues='1' adjustDiv='0' numDivLines='4' decimals='2' showValues='1' showLegend='1' legendBorderAlpha='0' legendBgAlpha='0' legendPosition='Bottom' legendShadow='0' labelDisplay='Wrap' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='' exportAtClient='1' exportShowMenuItem='0' exportAction='download'> <categories> <category label='1' x='1'/> <category label='11' x='11'/> <category label='21' x='21'/> <category label='31' x='31'/> <category label='41' x='41'/> <category label='51' x='51'/> <category label='61' x='61'/> <category label='71' x='71'/> <category label='81' x='81'/> <category label='91' x='91'/> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Scheme based levy' anchorSides='3' color='5074D1' alpha='100' includeInLegend='1' showValues='0' drawLine='1'> <set y='232000' x='1'/> <set y='232000' x='3'/> <set y='232000' x='5'/> <set y='232000' x='7'/> <set y='232000' x='9'/> <set y='232000' x='11'/> <set y='232000' x='13'/> <set y='232000' x='15'/> <set y='232000' x='17'/> <set y='232000' x='19'/> <set y='232000' x='21'/> <set y='232000' x='23'/> <set y='232000' x='25'/> <set y='232000' x='27'/> <set y='232000' x='29'/> <set y='232000' x='31'/> <set y='232000' x='33'/> <set y='232000' x='35'/> <set y='232000' x='37'/> <set y='232000' x='39'/> <set y='232000' x='41'/> <set y='232000' x='43'/> <set y='232000' x='45'/> <set y='232000' x='47'/> <set y='232000' x='49'/> <set y='232000' x='50'/> <set y='232000' x='52'/> <set y='232000' x='54'/> <set y='232000' x='56'/> <set y='232000' x='58'/> <set y='232000' x='60'/> <set y='232000' x='62'/> <set y='232000' x='64'/> <set y='232000' x='66'/> <set y='232000' x='68'/> <set y='232000' x='70'/> <set y='232000' x='72'/> <set y='232000' x='74'/> <set y='232000' x='76'/> <set y='232000' x='78'/> <set y='232000' x='80'/> <set y='232000' x='82'/> <set y='232000' x='84'/> <set y='232000' x='86'/> <set y='232000' x='88'/> <set y='232000' x='90'/> <set y='232000' x='92'/> <set y='232000' x='94'/> <set y='232000' x='96'/> <set y='232000' x='98'/> <set y='232000' x='100'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Total levy' anchorSides='3' color='840006' alpha='100' includeInLegend='1' showValues='0' drawLine='1'> <set y='998027' x='1'/> <set y='998027' x='3'/> <set y='998027' x='5'/> <set y='998027' x='7'/> <set y='998027' x='9'/> <set y='998027' x='11'/> <set y='998027' x='13'/> <set y='998027' x='15'/> <set y='998027' x='17'/> <set y='998027' x='19'/> <set y='998027' x='21'/> <set y='998027' x='23'/> <set y='998027' x='25'/> <set y='998027' x='27'/> <set y='998027' x='29'/> <set y='998027' x='31'/> <set y='998027' x='33'/> <set y='998027' x='35'/> <set y='998027' x='37'/> <set y='998027' x='39'/> <set y='998027' x='41'/> <set y='998027' x='43'/> <set y='998027' x='45'/> <set y='998027' x='47'/> <set y='998027' x='49'/> <set y='998027' x='50'/> <set y='998027' x='52'/> <set y='998027' x='54'/> <set y='998027' x='56'/> <set y='998027' x='58'/> <set y='998027' x='60'/> <set y='998027' x='62'/> <set y='998027' x='64'/> <set y='998027' x='66'/> <set y='998027' x='68'/> <set y='998027' x='70'/> <set y='998027' x='72'/> <set y='998027' x='74'/> <set y='998027' x='76'/> <set y='998027' x='78'/> <set y='998027' x='80'/> <set y='998027' x='82'/> <set y='998027' x='84'/> <set y='998027' x='86'/> <set y='998027' x='88'/> <set y='974639' x='90'/> <set y='945119' x='92'/> <set y='925439' x='94'/> <set y='905759' x='96'/> <set y='876239' x='98'/> <set y='836879' x='100'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Current position' anchorSides='3' color='BE9400' alpha='100' includeInLegend='1' showValues='0' drawLine='1'> <set y='0' x='95'/> <set y='915599' x='95'/> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='Verdana' size='16' color='000000'/> <style name='myXAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Verdana' size='13' color='000000' bold='0'/> <style name='myYAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Verdana' size='13' color='000000' bold='0'/> <style name='myYAxisValues' type='font' font='Verdana' color='000000' bold='0'/> <style name='myDataLabels' type='font' font='Verdana' color='000000' bold='0'/> <style name='myDataValues' type='font' font='Verdana' color='000000' bold='0'/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='Caption' styles='myCaptionFont'/> <apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myXAxisTitlesFont'/> <apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myYAxisTitlesFont'/> <apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='myYAxisValues'/> <apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='myDataLabels'/> <apply toObject='DATAVALUES' styles='myDataValues'/> </application> </styles></chart> And in the above XML we also changed & to %26 which is now working fine with dataXML method. Hope this helps.
  13. FusionCharts behaviour in IE

    Hi Mona, It seems the IE is having caching issue with the data so could you please try adding "&noCache="{Random Number}" with the dataURL parameter? Example: {chartObject}.setDataURL("testdata.aspx?noCache="{Random Number}"); Hope this helps.
  14. MSCombi3D: dataset cannot show gradient color

    Hi, I am afraid MSCombi3D chart does not support gradient colors in Data Plots as of now. And we really apologize for the documentation error.
  15. z-index and PHP

    Hi Nirmal, Its really strange this code is working fine in our labs, could you please make sure once whether you have correctly reference/included FusionCharts.js in you page? (as FusionCharts.php depends upon FusionCharts.js file).
  16. Hi Nitin, These are just (AxInterop.ShockwaveFlashObjects.DLL) a WRAPPER file of original Flash Player (flash.ocx), and to use this wrapper in your application it requires the original OCX file (Flash.ocx) without it the WRAPPER will failed to load/run. Also, as you can see the the error message HRESULT:0x80040154[REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG], which means it needs to register/install the original Flash Player. We request you to please install this Flash Player and try again.
  17. realtime chart

    Hi Bagus, Thanks for the information. You could do this in the following way (Please see the example): 1. Assign value to tagname variable as: tagname="PI116_KJI,FQI101A_KJI,FQI116C_KJI" 2. Pass it using this: dataStreamURL='" + escape(realtimedata.asp?tagname=<%=tagname%>&tag=<%=tag%>') + "' 3. Now, in realtimedata.asp file use the following code: ' Getting the tagname value from Query string. tagname=Request("tagname") ' Spilitting tagname with comma, we'll get an array. arr1 = split(tagname,",") ' Loop variable dim i ' Iterate to each array elements and add single quote (') at both end For i=0 to ubound(arr1) arr1(i)="'" & arr1(i) & "'" Next ' Now we have an array appended with Single Quote. ' So, joining it now to get a complete string appended with Single Quote. tagname=join(arr1,",") ' Result: 'PI116_KJI','FQI101A_KJI','FQI116C_KJI' ' Passing it to the query field. strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME in ("& tagname &") AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP='NOW'" Hope this helps.
  18. realtime chart

    Hi Bagus, You would need to encode the URL like dataStreamURL='" + escape('realtimedata.asp?tagname=<%=tagname%>&tag=<%=tag%>') or as the code posted before by Basundhara. Also, to retrive the tagname & tag value in your realtimedata.asp page you can use simple Request object to get the value. Example (in your realtimedata.asp): dim tagname dim tag tagname=Request("tagname") tag=Request("tag") The above code is working fine in our labs.
  19. exportCallback won't fire

    Hi John, I am afriad, we could not find any issue with this in our labs. We tested it with both HTTPS and HTTP server and it is working fine. And there is no any 'timeout' mechanism in exporting, the exportCallback function will get fired as soon as file gets saved at server.
  20. Loading XML data from a file in Flash

    Hi Jorge, Could you please try using the following code to retrieve the XML data from XML file? Hope this helps.
  21. Zoom in/out in mscombi3d

    Hi Dolay, The XML you sent us is working fine with any exporting option. Also, could you please let us know: 1. The OS, you are using? 2. Chart's Version (this can be obtain from Chart debug window). 3. Flash Player version. 4. Send us your small working sample which shows this issue, as we are unable to re-produce it in our labs.
  22. Hi, We have a solution for this. But we need your Order reference number. Therefore could you please send us an email to [email protected] with your Order reference number so that we can communicate you directly?
  23. can we save charts server side as well client side?

    Hi Krishna, Yes, please use exportShowMenuItem='0' in <chart> element. Also, for more information please refer to http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ECXML.html .
  24. Zoom in/out in mscombi3d

    Hi, Could you please run the attached sample and check whether it is working or not? Sample.zip