Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. Upgrade from Free version of Fusion Charts

    Hi, You would just need to replace the old SWF file with the new SWF files and accordingly need to change the charts' name reference in your code.
  2. Drag Nod getXMLData() error

    Hi, Are you running the code locally if yes then please set your flash player's global security setting once and try again. Please see the more information at: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost8077.aspx
  3. Hi, Could you please try using use3DLineShift='0'?
  4. Data label on multi-series

    Hi, Could you please try using displayValue='{string to display}' attribute in <set> element?
  5. StackedColumn3D and FLASH?

    Hi, This is a working sample, you must have done something wrong. However please use this fla file. MyFirstChart.zip
  6. percentage in bar chart

    Hi, It will just set the prefix as "%" for the values.Also I am afraid, chart does not calculate percentage value automatically.
  7. Fusionchart inside coldfusion cfdiv tag

    Hi, In Ajax, this issue will not arise.
  8. Scatter chart values

    Hi, I am afriad, it is not possible as of now.
  9. Display X-axis value fully.

    Hi, Could you please try using canvasPadding='{pixel value}' attribute in <chart> element?
  10. Bar/column-chart

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now.
  11. percentage in bar chart

    Hi, Could you please try using numberPrefix='%' attribute in <chart> element?
  12. Urgent! How to destroy the FusionMaps object?

    Hi, Could you please try using map_usa = null; to destroy the map object.
  13. Can't use showShadow on a per-dataset basis.

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now as showShadow attribute work globally to the dataplot.
  14. StackedColumn3D and FLASH?

    Hi, StackedColumn3D chart is a different class than Column2DChart class also it is a Multi-Series chart that has different XML structure, so need to consider this before. Also I have modify your code according to your need, please see the attachment. column.txt
  15. Resizing Angular Gauge and other Charts

    Hi, In order to use autoScale feature, you would need to use three attributes in <chart> and <annotationGroup> element to achieve the correct result which are autoScale='1' origW='{original width}' origH='{original height}'. Now suppose if your gauge's actual width and height is 270 and 270, and you need to scale it to 570 and 570 then your attributes should be like: <chart...autoScale='1' origW='270' origH='270'...> ....... ...... <annotationGroup.......autoScale='1' origW='270' origH='270' ........>. and chart size would be: var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "myChartId", "570", "570", "0", "0"); Hope this works for you.
  16. Scatter chart values

    Hi, Could you please try using rotateValues='1' attribute in <chart> element?
  17. Print and save charts using java script.

    Hi, We have a good documentation with all the sample code which help you to sort out your query, please see http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/ -> Exporting as Image/PDF.
  18. Inconsistent XML returned from PHP script

    Hi, Please see to this: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic12372-17-1.aspx
  19. Inconsistent XML Results returned from PHP script

    Hi, Could you please try double encode % character? % = %2525
  20. Using PHP Class FusionCharts_Gen.php

    Hi, Please see the code: # Create a new dataset $FC->addDataset("This Month","color=215DDE"); # Add chart values for the above dataset $FC->addChartData("$chart_data_week1"); $FC->addChartData("31400"); $FC->addChartData("26700"); $FC->addChartData("54400"); # Create second dataset $FC->addDataset("Previous Month","color=ff0000"); # Add chart values for the second dataset $FC->addChartData("38300"); $FC->addChartData("28400"); $FC->addChartData("15700"); $FC->addChartData("48100"); Also please see http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/PHPClassAPI/Functions.html for more information about API functions.
  21. Fusionchart inside coldfusion cfdiv tag

    Hi, To work with Ajax, you would need to load chart using HTML tag (<object>).
  22. Date time axis in fusion charts

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not supports date time axis, as of now.
  23. Support i18n languages in the Axis names

    Hi, Could you please update your chart to version 3.1, which supports UTF character in roated mode. If you are a licensed user then you can update your chart from our Product Update Center (www.fusioncharts.com/PUC).
  24. Bar 3D

    Hi, Yes it is, but in order to work with MSBar3D chart that work like single series, you would need to create XML like this.
  25. getChartFromId not Working?

    Hi, getChartFromId() and setDataURL() works when chart is loaded or rendered completely, also you can track its render event by using FC_Rendered() event, please see the doc http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/JS_Events.html for more information.