Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. XML-Schemafile for Fusion Charts 3.1

    Hi, I am afraid, we do not have the XSD-Schema file, but we are working on it and will be available very soon.
  2. FC_Rendered not loading!!

    Hi, Please send the final HTML source that is getting rendered.
  3. Whole numbers on y axis

    Hi, Could you please try using yAxisValueDecimals='0' in <chart> element?
  4. Annotation not appearing in Angular chart

    Hi, Could you please try the following XML?
  5. Multidimensional Dimensional Array from MySQL

    Hi, addDatasetsFromDatabase(resource $query_result, string $ctrlField, string $valueField[, array $datasetParamArray, string $link]) : FC->addDatasetsFromDatabase() fetches all datas from the database with the control break field specified at the second parameter, also this $ctrlField will be the seriesName for the chart, and $valueField will be the <set>'s value inside that datasets. Also could you please make sure that you have more than one record in the $ctrlField? Please see the documentation at http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/PHPClassAPI/Functions.html
  6. MSStackedColumn2D.xml Legend

    Hi, Sorry, it is not possible as of now.
  7. logoPosition

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now.
  8. Hi, You would need to make chart transparent, for that please use chart1.setTransparent(true); in the javascript tag and use bgAlpha='0,0' attribute. Sample: <script type="text/javascript"> var chart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Bar2D.swf", "ChartId", "300", "350", "0", "0"); chart.setDataURL("Data/Bar2D.xml"); chart.setTransparent(true); chart.render("chartdiv"); </script>
  9. onclick

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now.
  10. Render Chart as Image instead of Flash

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now.
  11. Setting width of each bar in a graph

    Hi, Could you please use plotSpacePercent='{Number}' in <chart> element and try again?
  12. Multidimensional Dimensional Array from MySQL

    Hi, Could you please send us the generated XML?
  13. tooltips are covered by another chart.

    Hi, Could you please make the chart transparent and try again? You can do it as follow: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "chart1Id", "400", "300", "0", "1"); chart1.setDataXML("<chart>.......</chart>"); chart1.setTransparent(true); chart1.render("divname);
  14. about MSStackedColumn2D.swf

    Hi, I am afraid, It is not possible as of now.
  15. Hi, Please see this post: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost12207.aspx
  16. what is the XML if I want to draw this kind of chart?

    Hi, To add label you would need to use label attribute in <set> element. <chart plotSpacePercent='0' divLineIsDashed='1' > <set value='19800' label='5' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='21800' label='10' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='23800' label='15' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='29600' label='20' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='27600' label='25' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='31800' label='30' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='39700' label='35' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='37800' label='40' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='21900' label='45' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='32900' label='50' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='39800' label='55' /> <vline color='C6C6C6' dashed='1' /> <set value='17400' label='60' /> </chart>
  17. Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required (IE7)

    Hi, Could you please send us your code at [email protected]
  18. save As image not save image

    Hi Vipin, FusionCharts V3.0.7's image saving feature requires a server to call its image generation code, and in your case you are using FusionChartsSave.jsp, so it should also be called from server. Your XML should be like the following:
  19. what is the XML if I want to draw this kind of chart?

    Hi, Could you please try using this XML with Column3d.swf file?
  20. vLine label issue

    Hi, Could you please update your chart once and try again?
  21. Drill-down Javascript problem in version 3.1

    Hi, If you are running your code locally like (C:abcdmyhtml.html) then you would need to set your Flash Player's Global Security setting. Please see this http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost8077.aspxfor more information.
  22. Using FC v3

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible.
  23. save As image not save image

    Hi, Could you please let us know that you are running your code locally (C: or D:) or from a server (like, IIS, Apache, etc...). Because image saving feature will work only from server side if you are using FusionCharts V3.0.6 or V3.0.7.
  24. FusionCharts v3.0.7

    Hi, Could you please let us know that you are running your code locally (C: or D:) or from a server (like, IIS, Apache, etc...).
  25. save As image not save image

    Hi, You would need to set these attributes imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='FusionCImageSaveImageSavingFusionChartsSave.jsp' in XML file i.e. xmlfile.xml not in jsp file.