Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. links not working consistently

    Hi, I am afraid, (If you are using J-) currently the only way is to pass all javascript parameters as a single parameter, separated by say pipe character, and in the JS function split it to retrieve individual parameters. You can also use "" instead of "J-", this will work in your current scenario. Example:
  2. I've found a bug in FusionCharts_Gen.php file.

    Hi, This issue has been resolved & will update it very soon.
  3. Bugs in FusionCharts_Gen.php

    Hi, This issue has been resolved & will update it very soon.
  4. Hi, Could you please send us the code and the error message?
  5. Styles not working for subCaption

    Hi, Could you please update your charts SWF and try again?
  6. Hi, Sorry for asking, but can you please confirm that you are running ASPX page in Apache but not in IIS? Also, Could you please try running it from an IIS server instead of Apache, just to make sure that it is working or not.
  7. Styles not working for subCaption

    Hi Aman, Yes I did, but something went worng, so I need to EDIT it. Please see the previous post.
  8. Styles not working for subCaption

    Hi, Could you please let us know, why are you using out.print(strXml); in file CODE.txt? Is that really important to display the XML string in between HTML moreover where you have not retained proper HTML structure? Please see the code below, I have just pasted here as it was in the file. The use of out.print(strXml); is breaking the structure of HTML and you are not getting anything. Please remove out.print(strXml); the from the code.
  9. Add anchors (or marker points)

    Hi, Could you please send us both XML (before adding <set> element and after adding <set> element) ?
  10. Javascript not working in link attribute of chart

    Hi, This issue is completely related with Flash Player and Adobe, I am sorry, this is unavoidable till now.
  11. Javascript not working in link attribute of chart

    Hi, Still you need to set it, this setting is not A BROWSER SPECIFIC, if you are running it LOCALLY, then you MUST have to set it. Please try it once.
  12. Javascript not working in link attribute of chart

    Hi, If you are running it locally then you would need to set your Flash Player's Global Security Settings from Adobe website. Please follow this link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost8077.aspx
  13. Styles not working for subCaption

    Hi Aman, Could you please change the attribute numberSuffix='%' to numberSuffix='%25' ?
  14. Add anchors (or marker points)

    Hi, I am sorry, it is not possible unless you add another <set> element to the chart.
  15. Hi, I am afriad, FusionCharts does not supports ZOOM in/out as of now.
  16. Chart Randomly Ignoring Y Axis Decimal Precision

    Hi, Could you please try using the XML given below?
  17. Issue with Line chart in MSColumnLine3D

    Hi, We are about to release FusionCharts V3.1 version very soon, after that you can easily update your package from our PUC.
  18. multiseries param using addDatasetsFromDatabase

    Hi, 1. You could try using addColors("880000") function (need to remove color="880000" from addDatasetsFromDatabase)? -OR- 2. $colorList[0] = "color=880000"; addDatasetsFromDatabase($result1,"hr1","sumofyield1",$colorList); Note: $colorList is an array type and $colorList[0] means parameters for first dataset. Please see docs at : http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/PHPClassAPI/Functions.html
  19. padding y axis min/max values

    Hi, Could you please try using yAxisMaxValue and yAxisMinValue in <chart> element?
  20. Drill-down in multi-series chart

    Hi, I am afraid, currently link attribute works only with <set> element.
  21. Enable Links by default

    Hi, Could you please try using enableLinks='1' in <chart> element?
  22. Rotate trendllines values string in multi bar

    Hi, Currently, to rotate a trendline value is not possible, however You could try using valueOnRight='1' attribute in <line> element, this will make trendline value to appears at right side.
  23. Solid colors

    Hi, Could you please try using plotGradientColor='' in <chart> element?
  24. Enable Links by default

    Hi, Could you please tell us the chart SWF name?
  25. Editing Existing palette/Color Theme

    Hi, Please see the code below: You can find this code in the same file i.e. DefaultColors.as function DefaultColors (){ //Initialize the array and store colors //Colors are to be stored in HEX without #. //If you want to add your list of colors, just add //them to the array below and recompile the chart. //colors = new Array("0099CC", "FF0000", "006F00", "FF66CC", "0099FF", "996600", "669966", "7C7CB4", "FF9933", "CCCC00", "9900FF", "999999", "99FFCC", "CCCCFF", "669900", "1941A5"); ------ SECTION : 1 : ---------colors = new Array ("AFD8F8", "F6BD0F", "8BBA00", "FF8E46", "008E8E", "D64646", "8E468E", "588526", "B3AA00", "008ED6", "9D080D", "A186BE", "CC6600", "FDC689", "ABA000", "F26D7D", "FFF200", "0054A6", "F7941C", "CC3300", "006600", "663300", "6DCFF6"); //Initialize Iterator _iterator = 0; //Palette color arrays // ------------- For 2D Chart ---------------// ------ SECTION : 2 : ---------this.bgColor = new Array ("CBCBCB,E9E9E9", "CFD4BE,F3F5DD", "C5DADD,EDFBFE", "A86402,FDC16D", "FF7CA0,FFD1DD"); this.bgAngle = new Array (270, 270, 270, 270, 270); this.bgRatio = new Array ("0,100", "0,100", "0,100", "0,100", "0,100"); this.bgAlpha = new Array ("50,50", "60,50", "40,20", "20,10", "30,30"); this.canvasBgColor = new Array ("FFFFFF", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF"); this.canvasBgAngle = new Array (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.canvasBgAlpha = new Array ("100", "100", "100", "100", "100"); this.canvasBgRatio = new Array ("", "", "", "", ""); this.canvasBorderColor = ..... ........ ........ ........ The Section : 1 contains an array of colors for the Dataplot (Bar, Column, Pie, Doughnut, etc...) The Section : 2 Contains an array of PALETTE colors (seperated by commas(,)). Please see the image: