Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. Adding Summary Data Table

    Hi, Could you please try using ssgrid.swf (Grid Chart). This can be used to show summary data.
  2. Cannot display Chinese Character properly

    Hi, Could you please send us the code ?
  3. Hi, Could you please try using our MSCombiDY2D.swf (2D Dual Y Combination) Chart? For your reference I am attaching a sample XML with this post, please check it. data.xml
  4. Cannot display Chinese Character properly

    Hi, Could you please try using the following code? ....... ....... .......... OutputStream outs = response.getOutputStream(); outs.write(new byte[]{(byte)0xEF, (byte)0xBB, (byte)0xBF}); outs.flush(); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outs); writer.append(XML string); // Put here your variable name that stores the XML. writer.flush();
  5. chart messages font

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now.
  6. Can I rotate a Column 3D Chart?

    Hi, I am sorry, it is not possible to rotate a Column 3D Chart to look like as a MSBar3D char.
  7. Links on area charts

    Hi, Sorry, This feature is not supported as of now.
  8. Hi, You can find it in our blueprint applications.
  9. Canvas background color

    Hi, Could you please try using bgAlpha='100' along with bgColor='000000,000000' ?
  10. setDataXML Help

    Hi, I am attaching a simple working example of FusionCharts implementation through HTML file & using FusionCharts.js file, please execute the Column3D.html file & see if it works? Also please let us know which language you are using, if possible please post the sample code along with your post. NOTE: Run this sample in different browsers such as FF, IE, Opera, Google Chrome etc.
  11. Hi, I am afraid, currently FusionCharts do not support annotations.
  12. getChartFromId not Working?

    Hi, Could you please see this too http://www.fusioncharts.com/Licensing.asp
  13. setDataXML Help

    Hi, Please download the FusionCharts.js file with this post. Also let us know if this solves your issue. FusionCharts.js.txt
  14. HLinearGauge maximum value

    Hi, Could you please try using the following XML? <chart lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="79" palette="1" showTickMarks="0" showTickValues="0" baseFontColor="000000" pointerBgAlpha='0' pointerBorderAlpha='0' showValue='0' > <colorRange> <color minValue="0" maxValue="43" code="8BBA00" label="43" /> <color minValue="43" maxValue="69" code="FF654F" label="26" /> <color minValue="69" maxValue="79" code="FFFFFF" label="10" /> </colorRange> <pointers> <pointer value='1' /> </pointers> </chart>
  15. Hi, Could you please try using captionPadding attribute in <chart> element? E.g.: <chart ...captionPadding='50' caption='Caption' subCaption='Sub Caption'...> <set ..../> <set ..../> <set ..../> </chart>
  16. Help on more than 1 set from DB and PHP

    Hi, 1. Your XML should start with <graph> element, that is missing. 2. We have found that your XML contains a ? (Question mark) character, due to this you are getting the error, please remember XML should not contain any special character(s). Also please make sure that, if your Database contains UTF8 character then you are also getting the UTF8 chatacter in your HTML page too, and this UTF character is converted into a ? character, because you might have not saved that HTML/PHP file as UTF8 enabled. So, in order to work with that, please save your HTML/PHP file with UTF8 support. Also please check the code below: link = connectToDB();$strXML = "<graph decimalPrecision='0' rotateNames='0' xaxisname='Departamentos' yaxisname='Colaboradores' showBorder='0' showPercentageValues='0' showPercentageInLabel='0' >"; $strCat = "categories>"; $strTotDS = "dataset seriesname='Total'>"; $strAvalDS = "dataset seriesname='Avaliados'>"; $strQuery = "SELECT Dep, Count(*) AS Total, Count(DataAval) AS Avaliados FROM DAI_main GROUP BY Dep"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error()); if ($result) { while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { strCat .= "<category label='" . $ors['Dep'] . "'/>"; strTotDS .= "<set value='" . $ors['Total'] . "' />"; strAvalDS .= "<set value='" . $ors['Avaliados'] . "'/>"; } } mysql_close($link); $strCat .= "</categories>"; $strTotDS .= "</dataset>"; $strAvalDS .= "</dataset>"; $strXML .= $strCat . $strTotDS . $strAvalDS; // String concatenation "." was missing. $strXML .= "</graph>"; echo renderChart("/chart/Charts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "", $strXML, "ChartId", 650, 450, false, false); The XML: <graph decimalPrecision='0' rotateNames='0' xaxisname='Departamentos' yaxisname='Colaboradores' showBorder='0' showPercentageValues='0' showPercentageInLabel='0' > <categories> <category label='AAD'/> <category label='CA?'/> <category label='CGT'/> <category label='CMP'/> <category label='CNT'/> <category label='COM'/> <category label='DAF'/> <category label='DCE'/> <category label='DGE'/> <category label='DID'/> <category label='DMN'/> <category label='GES'/> <category label='INF'/> <category label='LAB'/> <category label='OPA'/> <category label='QLA'/> <category label='RH'/> <category label='SSG'/> <category label='TSR'/> </categories> <dataset seriesname='Total'> <set value='1' /> <set value='2' /> <set value='2' /> <set value='2' /> <set value='4' /> <set value='45' /> <set value='1' /> <set value='3' /> <set value='1' /> <set value='4' /> <set value='29' /> <set value='1' /> <set value='2' /> <set value='9' /> <set value='29' /> <set value='2' /> <set value='3' /> <set value='2' /> <set value='2' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesname='Avaliados'> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='8'/> <set value='1'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='4'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='1'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='0'/> <set value='2'/> <set value='0'/> </dataset> </graph>
  17. Help on more than 1 set from DB and PHP

    Hi, Could you please save the generated XML into a file & then post that file into this thread? Because we are not able to see the XML correctly.
  18. Long charts rendered with different background colors

    Hi, Could you please post the chart image, chart version & if possible also the XML? It'll be easy for us to resolve the issue. NOTE: Please see the documentation at http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/Debug/window.html to know how to get the chart version?
  19. Hi, I am afraid, rotateLabel attribute is not supported with UTF-8 characters as of now. Could you please see the documentation for more information?
  20. Hi, Could you please try using the attached file? It contains a sample application created in PHP, you need to execute BasicChart.php application. This application is design in such a way that, when charts finishes it rendering, Chart automatically invokes SaveAsImage event and calls FusionChartsSave.php (which is our core script, that handles rest of the requests) saves the chart image into a pre-defined file name, And after saving chart's image into the file it redirects to the previous location from where it were called. In your case you would need to add your redirect path to the Data.XML file like this: imageSaveURL='/php/FusionChartsSave.php?redirect=BasicExample/BasicChart.php?image=done' Also you can remove "image=done" because we have given this just to ensure that image saving method called just for one time. FusionCharts_ImageSaveInPHP.zip
  21. Hi, I am afraid; the issue you are facing is not related with FusionCharts. This is can be a IE7 issue, it occurs only is IE, if we try to append BODY element from script that isn't a direct child to the BODY element. There are some external posts regarding this issue with IE. http://weblogs.asp.net/infinitiesloop/archive/2006/11/02/Dealing-with-IE-_2600_quot_3B00_Operation-Aborted_2600_quot_3B002E00_-Or_2C00_-how-to-Crash-IE.aspx http://channel9.msdn.com/forums/Coffeehouse/210214-IE-Operation-Aborted/ http://drupal.org/node/125650
  22. Print option of graph gives error

    Hi, Could you please make sure that you are using registerwithJS=1 ? JavaScript chart render method: <script type="text/javascript"> var chart = new FusionCharts("MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf", "ChartId", "600", "350", "0", "1"); chart.setDataURL("data.xml"); chart.render("chartdiv"); </script> ASP.NET C# chart render method: FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/ScrollLine2D.swf", "Data/ScrollLine2D.xml", "", "myFirst", "600", "350", false, true);
  23. Hi, Could you please send us the code sample?
  24. Problems with deleting space at bottom

    Hi, Could you please try using the attached XML? data.xml
  25. Hi, Could you please send the code to [email protected].