Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar


    Hi, Could you please make sure that your Flash Player's security setting is set correctly in Global Security Setting panel. Please follow this post http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic5009-47-1.aspx for detailed information.
  2. how to add progress bar in fusion charts?

    Hi Avinash, Since you are using dataXML and the chart is getting rendered properly, so it is not related with the FusionCharts issue. You need to implement your own code to solve your need. Hint: While XML processing is going on you can put a label/image/progressbar etc. and hide the chart control and when XML processing is finished then hide label/image/progressbar and unhide the chart control.
  3. Right-click menu still shows

    Hi, Could you please tell us which chart and version you are using? NOTE: you can know the chart version by setting debug mode to true.
  4. createChartHTML and registerWithJS

    Hi, Please note that registerWithJS works in both version 3.0.5 & 3.0.6, the only difference is that Print & SaveAsImage methods are not exposed in version 3.0.5. This will work with trial verion of 3.0.6 also.
  5. FlashVars - dataURL - XML / Classic ASP & Encoding

    Hi, Could you please try using the following code: <%@ Language=VBScript %> <%Response.ContentType = "text/xml" Response.CharSet = "UTF-8" 'Addition of BOM characters Response.BinaryWrite(chrb(239)) Response.BinaryWrite(chrb(187)) Response.BinaryWrite(chrb(191)) %> <chart bgcolor="DCEBDE" formatNumberScale="0" decimalPrecision="1" showPercentageValues="0" showNames="1" numberPrefix="" showValues="1" showPercentageInLabel="1" pieYScale="45" pieBorderAlpha="40" pieFillAlpha="70" pieSliceDepth="15" pieRadius="100" animation="1"> <set value="64455" name="???" color="005137" /> <set value="-64455" name="??" color="00CC8A" isSliced="1" /> </chart>
  6. Changing default tooltip text...

    Hi, Could you please go through this link http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/AttDesc/ToolTip.html, it will guide you to implement new line in ToolTip.
  7. how to add progress bar in fusion charts?

    Hi Avinash, Could you please elaborate more on this?
  8. Hi, Could you please try using FusionChartWMode.js instead of FusionCharts.js. Please follow this link to download FusionChartsWMode http://www.fusioncharts.com/Downloads/FusionChartsWMode.zip.
  9. Charts work in IE, but not in FireFox

    Hi, Could you please elaborate more on this?
  10. How to form dataXML for creating Multi-Series Chart

    Hi, The following could be the reasons that you are getting "No Data to Display": 1. Could you please make sure that you are using <chart> </chart> tag in you XML like this: <chart><categories><category name='Jan' /><category name='Feb' /></categories><dataset seriesName='2006' color='c4e3f7' ><set value='27400' /><set value='29800' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='2005' color='Fad35e' ><set value='10000'/><set value='11500'/></dataset></chart> 2. If the above does not solve your issue, then please make sure that you are changing the chart's file name? 3. If both fails to solve your issue, then please attach you code with the post, it will be helpful for us to debug your issue.
  11. Legend not showing all datasets in Scatter XY plot

    Hi, Could you please make sure that your XML contains 15 datasets? Becasue we are just getting 12 datasets and we are also able to see all legends w.r.t datasets. Here is your XML:
  12. Hi Avinash, If you don't want to add new control then you need not create a new chart Object. You can do the same as following way: FC.Movie = Application.StartupPath + "FusionChartsFCF_Bar2D.swf?chartWidth=" + FC.Width.ToString() + "&chartHeight=" + FC.Height.ToString();//dataXML method FC.SetVariable( "dataXML","<graph><set value='10' /></graph>"); //dataURL method FC.SetVariable("dataURL", "Path to XML file");Otherwise try this: int oldHeight = FC.Height; int oldWidth = FC.Width; int oldTop = FC.Top; int oldLeft = FC.Left; FC.Dispose(); FC = new AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash(); FC.Height = oldHeight; FC.Width = oldWidth; FC.Top = oldTop; FC.Left = oldLeft; this.Controls.Add(FC);FC.Movie = Application.StartupPath + "FusionChartsFCF_Bar2D.swf?chartWidth=220&chartHeight=300";FC.MovieData = chartURL; FC.Play();
  13. Hi Avinash, You are getting this message because you are just creating an object of AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash(); and not adding FC into the Form's Control. You need to use this.Controls.Add(FC); like the following code: FC = new AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash(); this.Controls.Add(FC); FC.Movie = Application.StartupPath + "FusionChartsFCF_Bar2D.swf?chartWidth=220&chartHeight=300"; FC.MovieData = chartURL; FC.Play();
  14. Gantt FC_Rendered chartid.saveAsImage not working

    Hi, I am afraid the version you have is not the latest version, our latest version is v3.0.2 which supports "Invoke Image saving feature from JavaScript".
  15. Movie Not Loaded

    Hi, Could you please send us your code file & also the directory structure.
  16. Changing text in LEGEND

    Hi, Please follow these steps to save file as UTF-8. 1. Open file in notepad. 2. Click on File Menu. 3. Click on SaveAs... 4. On SaveAs window goto encoding and select UTF-8 from the combobox. 5. Then save the file.
  17. Changing text in LEGEND

    Hi, Please use the attached xml file. StCol2DLineDY.zip
  18. Movie Not Loaded

    Hi, Could you please see the following link? http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic481-32-1.aspx
  19. Changing text in LEGEND

    Hi, Could you please tell us, you are using dataXML or dataURL? If you are using dataURL then, could you please try to save your XML file as UTF-8 (Unicode) enabled & paste ? into the file?
  20. Changing text in LEGEND

    Hi, Could you please try using [dataset seriesName='∑ Australia' ] likewise with all seriesName attribute?
  21. Movie Not Loaded

    Hi, You can use <code></code> tag to post you code, if it doesn't work then post your code through IE, otherwise copy/paste your code into a file and attach this file to the post.
  22. Gantt FC_Rendered chartid.saveAsImage not working

    Hi, You can use chart's debug mode to know the version information. However you can also download our latest FusionWidgets, which supports saveAsImage feature(if called from JavaScript).
  23. Only plot point and not the line ?

    Hi, could you please try setting alpha attribute of <dataset> element of the line to a value < 1 and > 0. e.g., <dataset alpha='.001'>.
  24. Hi, I am afraid, we don't have 3D bar chart in Free version.