Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. broken data line graph - please help me!

    Hi, Could you please through check your code? Because we just told you to change the attribute collectNullData='0' to connectNullData='1' that is already a string.
  2. broken data line graph - please help me!

    Hi, Could you please try the attached file? mygraph.htm.txt
  3. broken data line graph - please help me!

    Hi, Could you please try using: $strXML = "<chart palette='2' caption='PTP' subCaption='subcaption' showValues='0' divLineDecimalPrecision='1' PYAxisName='PTP' SYAxisName='Res Lvl' formatNumberScale='0' setAdaptiveYMin='1' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1' collectNullData='0' connectNullData='1' >";
  4. Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now. You need to turn off for one series.
  5. Hi, Could you please follow this FusionCharts Documentation->Guide for Web Developers->Drill Down Charts for detail information. You can also follow this link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic7701-43-1.aspx.
  6. How to Print Fusion Chart

    Hi Avinash, We don't have the sample code, but a DLL which allows to save chart as image, and also to print the chart, but this DLL only works for WinForm. Here are the code snippets that will show, how to use ChartToImage.dll. private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ ChartToImage.ChartToImage.PrintChart(FC.Handle, FC.Width, FC.Height, false);} private void btnSaveChartImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChartToImage.ChartToImage.GetChartImage(FC.Handle, FC.Width, FC.Height).Save("C:FusionCharts.jpg");} You can download the ChartToImage.dll from the Attachment. NOTE: You need to add reference to ChartToImage.dll. ChartToImage.zip
  7. Calling Image saving Mechanism on button click

    Hi, Could you please make sure that you are using FusionCharts v3.0.6.
  8. Fusionchart appears infront of dropdown

    Hi, Could you please use FusionChartsWMode.js. You can download it from http://www.fusioncharts.com/Downloads/FusionChartsWMode.zip.
  9. fusion chart in ppt

    Hi, Could you please try also to set FrameNum=0 along with Playing to false, and then start your SlideShow again.
  10. V 3.0.5 Problem

    Hi, I am afraid, you might be using absolute url for the XML path. e.g. "http://www.cdn.mydomain.com/x.xml" . This is blocked by FusionCharts to prevent XSS attacks. Could you please let us know, whether you can use JavaScript (DHTML) in the page? In that case you can use XMLHTTP object from JavaScript to get the XML and update the chart using setDataXML() function.
  11. Save Chart as image on server side

    Hi, I am afraid, It is not possible to render the chart at server side.
  12. Cant load chart file in https over https

    Hi new2fc, Could you please remove the Pragma: no-cache, Cache: no-cache, from the server. Because addition of meta tag does not work in IE.
  13. Pie2D with only one element.

    Hi, Mail your code to support [at] fusioncharts.com.
  14. Pie2D with only one element.

    Hi, Could you please send us the code?
  15. specifying chart width as 100%

    Hi, You can attach the code in the current thread or mail us at support [at] infosoftglobal.com.
  16. Use links as javascript

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now.
  17. Pie Chart

    Hi, please use [ graph pieRadius="Numeric Pixels" ]. For more detailed information please see the documentation.
  18. specifying chart width as 100%

    Hi, Could you please send us the code?
  19. Can I change the "Capturing Data" message??

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now.
  20. specifying chart width as 100%

    Hi, Could you please download the latest version of FusionCharts?
  21. Pie2D with only one element.

    Hi Sirill, Could you please follow these codes: // This will execute the flash. graph.Execute_Begin(); // Now set the dataXML variable. graph.Execute_SetVariable("dataXML", xml);// Important Step. Console. WriteLine("Wait till chart fully load itself."); Console.ReadLine();// Capture the SWF as Image. graph.Execute_GetImage(); // Save the captured Image(Binary) in File.graph.SaveToFile( "FusionCharts.bmp");It works like this: When you invoke graph.SaveToFile() method, it just captures SWF's frame No. 0 or more but not the final frame i.e. when chart completely loads. To overcome this issue you have to wait till chart finished loading itself, for this purpose I have used Console.ReadLine();. However if you don't like to use ReadLine() you can use some delay method.
  22. How to make link open in a new window?

    Hi, You can use [ set value='10' link="P-detailsWin,width=400,height=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no, resizable=no-{location to webpage}" /] to open link in a new window. For more information (documentation) on this you can follow this link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/DrillDown/PopUps.html .
  23. How to change Chart type dynamically?

    Hi Avinash, Please use the following code: private void btnColumn3D_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ FC.Movie = Application.StartupPath + "FCF_Column3D.swf?chartWidth=" + FC.Width.ToString() + "&chartHeight=" + FC.Height.ToString();FC.SetVariable( "dataXML", textBox1.Text);} private void btnDoughnut2D_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ FC.Movie = Application.StartupPath + "FCF_Doughnut2D.swf?chartWidth=" + FC.Width.ToString() + "&chartHeight=" + FC.Height.ToString();FC.SetVariable( "dataXML", textBox1.Text);}
  24. Scatter Plot with dates

    Hi, Could you please try using [category x='xxxx' label='{some date}' /]?
  25. Doubled Y-data label

    Hi, Could you please try to set decimals='1' or greater value?