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Posts posted by nicku33

  1. There is a need to update the Fusioncharts Javascript class (the one derived from SWFobject) to test for Flash 8 when using fusioncharts 3. Is there a newer version that does this, to prevent a blank area, or has anyone patched the infosoftglobal.FusionCharts class to deal with this issue ?

  2. that's not going to be possible for me as I'm using a master page which has to have a form tag in it, and all ASP.NET controls need to be inside a form tag.




    Do you mean to tell me that we can't update via javascript in a form tag at all ? There is NO workaround ? That makes it impossible to use for most normal ASP.NET pages.




    There must be a way to get to the chart object within a form, no ?

  3. yes it's in the middle of an page so i really have no choice. I thought that getting a reference to the object itself could be enough, so I modified the fusioncharts c# helper to do this...




    builder.AppendFormat("chart_{0} = new FusionCharts("{1}




    instead of




    builder.AppendFormat("var chart_{0} = new FusionCharts("{1}




    so that chart_{0} would be a global variable and I could reference it later directly, which I'm able to do.




    In a javascript console




    chart_RBChart returns an OBJECT so I know I'm getting a correct reference












    still returns an error in IE6 and IE&, but FireFox is OK.





  4. i've got a chart that needs to get update with some predetermined strings in an array: chartdata[0]="etc"




    It's similar to:





    when I click the link to update the chart I get am:




    "Object doesn't support this porperty or method".




    note that I am no longer relying on any getElementByID and am indeed referencing the chart object itself, in my case called RBChart:




    Everything works fine in FireFox bit IE breaks.




    Now this is in an ASP.NET site and the element is closed within form tags, I don't know if that's what's killing it.




    This is the line that it's breaking on;






    //Else, we update the chart data using External Interface


    //Get reference to chart object


    var chartObj = infosoftglobal.FusionChartsUtil.getChartObject(this.getAttribute('id'));








    chartObj is an OBJECT, not an EMBED.




    Can anyone help ?