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Everything posted by sudhanshu

  1. Javascript_Linked_Json_Chart

    Hi, I am using json to build chart. I want to call a JavaScript function when I click on a linked chart . Please tell me what is the syntax or a piece of example code to do that. My chart is {'chart':{'caption':'IT Spend Effectiveness','xaxisname':'Geography','yaxisname':'uptime','unescapeLinks' : '0' },' bgColor':'DFE8F6', 'canvasBgColor':'DFE8F6', 'data':[ { 'label':'Americas ','value':'142.512077294686','link':'JavaScript-alert(Hi)' }, { 'label':'Asia ','value':'142.512077294686','link':'JavaScript-alert('Hi')' }, , { 'label':'Europe ','value':'142.512077294686','link':'JavaScript-alert-Hi;' }] }. When I am clicking on the bars it's showing error. Thanks for your reply in advance.
  2. Javascript_Linked_Json_Chart

    Thanks for your input Angshu But this piece of code is not working. I already have tried this earlier. Is there anyway we can try this using j-myJavaScriptFunction-parameters kind of notation. Thanks