Brian D.

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About Brian D.

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Invalid XML data

    Let me try that again with the correct escaping so you can see what I meant: Using %26apos; gets me past the Invalid XML problem. But when I click on the link, the resulting URL decodes the %26apos; back to '. So if I had a parameter like p=Mc'Donalds and I set link to p=Mc%26apos;Donalds, the URL becomes p=Mc'Donalds so my server sets p to Mc. Is there any way around that? Thanks, Brian
  2. Invalid XML data

    Using %26apos; gets me past the Invalid XML problem. But when I click on the link, the resulting URL decodes the %26apos; back to '. So if I had a parameter like p=Mc'Donalds and I set link to p=Mc%26apos;Donalds, the URL becomes p=Mc'Donalds so my server sets p to Mc. Is there any way around that? Thanks, Brian