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About marios

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Fusion charts with rich faces.

    Thanks, now all go , i forgot it marios
  2. Fusion charts with rich faces.

    Hi, i tried to add FusionCharts 3.2.1 to my web app built with richfaces 3.3.3 and faceltes but, i have some difficult. I executed these steps 1) Place the FusionCharts folder containing all the .swf and .js files within the web application 2) Copy the fchelper.jar, fctl.jar, fcexporter.jar and fcexporthandler.jar to the classpath of your web server (in Tomcat, {WebAppRoot}/WEB-INF/lib) 3) i created my baking bean use to retrieve the properities 4) i created my .xhtml that contains <fc:renderHTML chartId="#{factoriesBean.chartId}" swfFilename="/FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" width="#{factoriesBean.width}" height="#{factoriesBean.height}" debugMode="true" xmlData="#{factoriesBean.xml}" ></fc:renderHTML> but when i launch my app and i arrive to my page, i don't view my report or some error. Someone can tell me which part of the configuration is wrong? thanks in advance