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About SteveC
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Hi can you send me the latest updated Image Saver Assembly which you got from the FusionChart support team.I am also facing the same problems as yours.My email id is nitinvertigo@gmail.com.Waiting for your response.Thanks
Thank you everyone for your help. The updated FusionChartsImageSaver did indeed include the fix for the encoding problem. I am now exporting the 700+ charts with the proper encoding and getting the correct '>', '<', '%' characters as expected. Happy charting everyone! Steve
Hi Sanjukta, I have tried the encoding of "%26" but no translation occurs. It just prints out the literal text '%26' and not the '&' character. Thanks, I'll try sending email to support requesting the updated Saver Assembly. Regards, Steve
Hi Sanjukta, Just a quick question. When you ran the XML from my previous post, did you use the FusionChartsImageSaver .NET wrapper or did you use the usual FusionCharts DLLs? The reason I ask is because I am getting the chart to display correctly as well when I go through the FusionCharts DLL. It's only when I try to create the chart via the FusionChartsImageSaver .NET wrapper that it comes back with the 'Invalid xml format' error. Thanks for the clarification. Steve
Hi Pete, I'm not sure if you've obtained a complete answer to this post or not. I was able to get FusionChart's assistance with their ServerSaveImage .NET DLL wrappers. Their .NET files allowed me to write a .NET console application that runs twice a day and exports over 700+ charts each time without user intervention once the Scheduled Task has been created to run the console application. This is working very well for us. I had to create the console application to construct the Chart XML settings dynamically for each of our charts but it is only taking about 30 minutes to "generate" 700+ charts on our server which are then consumed by another application that includes the chart .png files into a Powerpoint slide document and then saved to either a Powerpoint presentation or a PDF document. If you search the FusionChart's websites for "ServerSaveImage" there is a link identifying how to obtain a copy of their .NET DLL wrappers. Hope this helps. Steve
I've tried modifying the XML of the Chart to use the isHTML='1' setting within the Styles for CAPTION and DATALABELS still to no avail. I'm still getting the 'Invalid XML Format'. I compared the resulting XML for the chart against the examples within the documentation and it looks alike to me. I've attached the XML for the Chart for your expert insight :^). Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks, Steve FusionChartSample.txt
Do you have any update on this issue yet? Was the attached XML correct? Thanks, Steve
We're using v3.2.1 and these files: FusionCharts.js 10/6/2010 11:14am FusionChartsExportComponent.js 9/15/2010 9:02am highcharts.js 10/6/2010 8:59am FCExporter.swf 9/15/2010 2:08am ShockwaveFlashObjects.dll 6/3/2011 12:44pm AxShockwaveFlashObjects.dll 6/3/2011 12:44pm FusionChartsImageSaver.dll 6/3/2011 1:15pm FusionChartsImageSaver.xml 6/3/2011 1:15pm Fusion Charts version: Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 1162 Initial Height: 741 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Version: 3.2.1 Chart Type: Stacked 2D Column Line Chart
I'm using the .NET server-side save image utility so I'm not sure which approach it is using. I'm guessing is the DataXML(). So I'm constructing the XML as a string into 'theXML' variable and then issuing the following function call: ServerSideImageHandler(sChart.ToString(), 720, 400, theXML, "", sExportFilename.ToString()) I've tried encoding the characters and wrapping the XML values in single-quotes and double-quotes but to no affect. If you could take the attached XML and point out to me what is wrong in this instance, I'd appreciate it. The 4th dataset should have a dataset name of '> 90'. XMLFile1.xml
I have managed to get the chart to export now whereas before it wasn't. Now the problem I'm working on is to properly encode the special XML characters '<', '>', '%', single-quote, double-quote, and the '&' symbol when they are part of the axis labels or other parts of text attributes. These are resulting in the 'Invalid XML Format' error. I've tried substituting the '%25' for the '%' but it is just treating that as a string literal and not translating it into '%' when rendered. I've also tried the '%' string but that didn't seem to work either. Thanks, Steve
Forgot to mention for the last XML that the chart being used is the StackedColumn2DLine.swf. I realized that the XML below includes the <lineset> tag which isn't part of that chart's XML. So I'm switching that over to the <dataset> tags.
Hi Radis, Thanks for the response. I discovered that the problem is the '%' in the chart name. I've escaped that out and that part is working properly, but now I'm encountering what seems to be a similar problem with another 'special char' in the XML below which I haven't been able to locate the offending char. Is there some rule as to when to use the double-quotes around attributes versus single-quotes? Does it matter if one is used over the other as long as they are all consistent? <chart caption="Aged WIP" adjustDiv="0" plotGradientColor="" animation="0" canvasBorderThickness="1" showBorder="0" outCnvBaseFont="Arial" outCnvBaseFontSize="12" outCnvbaseFontColor="000000" bgColor="ffffff" bgAlpha="100" YAxisName="$ in Millions" yAxisMinValue="0" yAxisMaxValue="1" numDivLines="6" showLegend="1" legendBgColor="ffffff" legendBgAlpha="100" legendIconScale="1" legendInteractive="1" decimals="2" borderSize="0" labelDisplay="Rotate" slantLabels="1" exportEnabled="1" exportAction="save" exportAtClient="0" use3DLighting="0"><categories><category label="2010" /><category label="YTD" /><category label="Jan-11" /><category label="Feb-11" /><category label="Mar-11" /><category label="Apr-11" /><category label="May-11" /><category label="Jun-11" /><category label="Jul-11" /><category label="Aug-11" /><category label="Sep-11" /><category label="Oct-11" /><category label="Nov-11" /><category label="Dec-11" /></categories><dataset><dataset seriesName="0-30 Days" showValues="0" color="0a3c91" includeInLegend="1" renderAs="Column" parentYAxis="P" valuePosition="auto"><set value="5.276526" /> <set value="" /> <set value="0.282" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> </dataset><dataset seriesName="31-60 Days" showValues="0" color="7f7f7f" includeInLegend="1" renderAs="Column" parentYAxis="P" valuePosition="auto"><set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> </dataset><dataset seriesName="61-90 Days" showValues="0" color="ffff00" includeInLegend="1" renderAs="Column" parentYAxis="P" valuePosition="auto"><set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> </dataset><dataset seriesName=">90 Days" showValues="0" color="008800" includeInLegend="1" renderAs="Column" parentYAxis="P" valuePosition="auto"><set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> </dataset></dataset><lineset seriesName="Plan" showValues="0" color="ff0000" includeInLegend="1" parentYAxis="P" valuePosition="auto"><set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> <set value="" /> </lineset><styles><definition><style name="MyTitleFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="12" align="center" color="000000" /><style name="MyXAxisFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="12" /><style name="MyYAxisFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="10" color="000000" bold="1" /></definition><application><apply toObject="CAPTION" styles="MyTitleFont" /><apply toObject="SUBCAPTION" styles="MyTitleFont" /><apply toObject="XAxisName" styles="MyXAxisFont" /><apply toObject="PAxisName" styles="MyYAxisFont" /></application></styles></chart>
And just in case an image of what I'm seeing helps, I've attached a copy of the problem.
I forgot to mention that this is running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server with FlashPlayer 11 Beta 2 for 64-bit.
Export Handler Not Recognized When Deployed On Iis
SteveC replied to Cheiro's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
Have you tried creating a Virtual directory within IIS for where the exportHandler is located and using that path in the exportHandler setting? You might also want to make sure the correct permissions are granted on the directory for the ExportHandler to IIS's built-in users. That's my 2-cents' worth :^) Steve