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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. jQuery Plugin Release

    Hi, For FusionCharts, we expect a similar timeline as well. You can, however, still use the existing FusionCharts JavaScript API. It's NOT AT ALL necessary to have the jQuery plugin for FusionCharts to use it with jQuery.
  2. jQuery Plugin Release

    For FusionMaps, we're trying before end of Q3.
  3. vertical size of Gannt chart

    Hi, Owing to our scheduled release of FusionCharts v3.2 (with HTML5 fallback support), we had to delay this by a few additional weeks. I'll keep you posted.
  4. Automatic Positioning of Drag Node Charts

    Hi, While we do have plans for the same, it'll be implemented later. We're not releasing this in 2010.
  5. Hi, If you can please send us an email at support [at], we'll send you a chart SWF that can be used for this.
  6. Hi Geir, Thanks for your valued suggestion. Currently, we cannot implement this in FusionCharts because our code is in AS2, which doesn't support this. However, we do have server-side export support (on Windows stack) and client-side batch export support as well. Additionally, we're soon releasing the new version with HTML5 fallback support as well.
  7. OnMouseOverIssue

    Hi, If your last value has lot of characters, you need to create space on the right side of chart (by setting chartRightMargin or canvasPadding). Or, you can rotate the values so that they display vertically using [chart rotateValues=1]
  8. OnMouseOverIssue

    Hi, Can you open com/fusioncharts/core/ and see the _version variable there? It should contain a text such as 3.x.y.
  9. Hi Allen, I'm afraid we do not yet have a multi-series table/grid - as we've been primarily focusing on charts/gauges/maps.
  10. Hi, I'm afraid we do not have log scales on angular chart yet.
  11. Div line labels overlapping zero in chart

    Hi, Since you're forcing the number of div lines to a large number in a relatively small chart (in terms of height), it's overlapping. I'm afraid you cannot shift the position of 0.
  12. Print Issue in MAC OSX 10.6.5 and Firefox 3.0

    Hi Harish, As for problem #1, currently Firefox doesn't print any Flash movies from browser's print command on Mac. So, you'll either have to use the print API of chart or right click menu. We're currently trying to find alternatives that could fix this. As for #2, if you have a chart at specific size, you can just recompile it at that width/height and it'll print fine.
  13. MSColumnLine3DChart using embed font from swf ( CS4 )

    Hi, To use embedded fonts, you'll need to embed the font, plus make code changes at a few places (including com.fusioncharts.helper.Utils and each chart's code where the embedded text-field is to be created [each such location])
  14. Dear FusionCharts users, We've released the beta of jQuery Plugin for FusionCharts Free. It offers the following: - Simple functions to insert, append and prepend FusionCharts to any jQuery selection - Easy methods to select charts using ":FusionCharts" selector - Extensible plug-in configuration - Easy selection of chart-types from recognizable chart aliases - Magically convert HTML <table> into FusionCharts! You may download the beta from Your feedback is VERY important to us and we would love to hear any suggestions, complaints, modifications, feature requests, compliments etc. Feel free to share your thoughts at
  15. [feedback] Thanks for the tools

    Hi Matthew, We do have plans to support maps in jQuery as well - it'll come later this year.
  16. Hi, Would work for this purpose?
  17. Hi, Thanks for your mail. Currently, we do not have overlay in Gantt. Also, this is not in feature list for v4. While we've a plan to have drag-able task bars, this will not be present.
  18. Hi, Flash Player restricts the maximum width and height of a movie to 4000 pixels. As such, the same limitation applies to FusionCharts as well.
  19. StackedColumn2DChart and yAxisMinValue

    Hi, Thanks for your comment. We've intentionally included this comment in this line of code - but keeping the functionality intact. This is from a fundamental charting concept. In a stacked chart, if you set the y-axis min value to something other than 0, the comparison of various stacked items will not be visually same. The first item (with same data value) will ALWAYS look smaller in comparison to other items - thereby leading to visual aberration.
  20. Hi, In FusionCharts Free, empty data is accepted in two ways: [set alpha='0' ... /] (for backward compatibility) and [set /] (new version) So, whenever an empty data is found, the chart auto calculates its own limits.
  21. Data Labels display problem

    Is your Flash movie in noScale mode as well?
  22. Hi Deepak, I'm afraid we do not currently have plans to release that in v3.
  23. Roadmap for FC?

    Hi, Thanks for your post. As for the roadmap, we're currently working on the following products: - FusionCharts v4 - To be released early 2010. We got delayed on this, as we first started work on Flash 9 Platform, and then Flash 10 came with a lot of new features. - FusionCharts for Flex v1.2 - With Gantt and radar chart. To be released by end of 2009. Apart from that, we're also working on a few new products, which we'll soon announce. My apologies for not being able to disclose them at the moment.
  24. Blinking on setDataXML

    Hi, In FusionCharts v3, when you update the data of a chart, it's not incremental - the entire data gets update. As such, the chart takes a moment to clear itself, load new data, parse it, calculate new co-ordinates and then render the new chart. This causes the blink. However, we've real-time charts (like stock feeds) in FusionWidgets, where the chart can accept incremental data without any problem. Please see If you still feel this would not satisfy your requirements, please drop us an email at support [at] with your Order Id and we'll refund the same.