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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. I'm afraid we do not support steps in that chart.
  2. Number Formatting Problem

    This XML seems to give an error - can you please resend a valid one at support [at]
  3. Pie Chart Label Position

    Julian, I'm afraid it's not possible in the multi-level pie chart.
  4. Yes - the Developer license does contain it.
  5. Problem on Multi-axis Line Chart

    Hi, Can you send the XML too?
  6. Title attribute for maps

    We'll definitely consider this for the next release.
  7. Pie Chart Label Position

    You can set [chart enableSmartLabels='0' ...]
  8. Set [graph decimalPrecision=2]
  9. my yAxisMaxValue has what is happening?

    It's the Flash player rounding problem. One way to solve this would be to set max value as 100.001
  10. Having issue with Column 2D Graph

    Can you make sure you're not setting adjustDiv='0' in your XML?
  11. Send chart by mail

    I'm afraid that's not feasible.
  12. For each column, you can specify your custom formatted tooltext.
  13. Developer vs Site License

    Additionally, if your site is hosted on a SaaS model, you need a Site license.
  14. client js

    You need to run the files from a server, as local filesystem disallows JS within Flash.
  15. Palette Colors?

    Appended please find the same: "AFD8F8", "F6BD0F", "8BBA00", "FF8E46", "008E8E", "D64646", "8E468E", "588526", "B3AA00", "008ED6", "9D080D", "A186BE", "CC6600", "FDC689", "ABA000", "F26D7D", "FFF200", "0054A6", "F7941C", "CC3300", "006600", "663300", "6DCFF6"
  16. FusionCharts changed titlebar in IE

    Hi, The # in IE gets appended when you click on a JS link in chart- it's a documented bug in IE.
  17. Caption on Angular Gauge

    It doesn't support caption.
  18. ScrollArea2D - no data to display"

    You need to convert your data to multi-series format.
  19. Number Formatting Problem

    Hi, Can you please post the output XML as attachment?
  20. FusionCharts with MS Excel as the data source

    You can use the GUI at to do so.
  21. Auto Layout mode in Drag-Node Chart

    Kai, We'll definitely look over these for our next version.
  22. Chage unit measurement

    Just set [chart formatNumberScale='0' ...]
  23. Problem in showing data items

    Use [chart placeValuesInside='1' ...]
  24. Bubbles Chart

    I'm afraid we do not support 4 axis. Yes - you can have a different color for each bubble.