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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Yes, in Free version, it's graph.
  2. Would something like do?
  3. Neil, I'm sorry for the delay - we've yet not been able to release the new version owing to some more Flash player new incompatibilities. While we have the map SWFs ready, the final package is taking some time to build (as we're introducing another 200+ maps). If you're in urgent need of maps, just send us an email at support [at] and we'll send you the maps.
  4. Since Flash is an Active X object, it cannot be shown in Outlook
  5. The number of charts is not much of a factor here. For example, we're tried with 80 charts in a page and it works fine. But at other times, with just 10 different charts in a page, it seems to have CPU usage. Also, in Firefox, there's a constant bar at bottom showing "Transferring data from ...", whereas, once the chart has loaded, we do not transfer any data.
  6. Map Sizing

    Please do not use renderChart - instead there's renderMap function for FusionMaps.
  7. No Data to display on Pie Chart

    In a pie chart if there are just 0 values, you cannot distribute the pie, as division by 0 is not possible.
  8. SSGrid Xml Structure

    I'm afraid our grid is single series.
  9. I'm afraid you cannot disable it directly.
  10. Grid Component - Labels

    Adam, As for the values, you can set [chart showLabels=0] in chart to hide labels. I'm afraid you cannot display data in columns.
  11. Firefox chart not rendering

    Hi, The "Movie Not Loaded" message appears only when the chart SWF could not be loaded by the browser. In that case, can you check the SWF path or any connection problems that could restrict SWF from loading.
  12. DragColumn Chart question

    Hi, In this event handler method, you'll need to write your JS to get DOM access to table and then update the pertinent row/column.
  13. Category Link

    I'm afraid it's not possible yet to add links to category tags. We've planned this for the next version.
  14. The setDataXML method is not being invoked on chart. Else, the debug mode would write something like: setDataXML method invoked on chart. New data: XML data here...
  15. Please see
  16. Hi, Can you please elaborate what you mean by "split up"?
  17. Javascript Parameter Length

    Moorthy, If you put a shorter URL, is it getting called?
  18. Problem with decimal numbers!

    Hi, Can you please elaborate a bit more on the problem?
  19. Problem using : using dataURL method

    If there are any colons in your dataURL, we disallow it to prevent XSS attacks.
  20. Third Y Axis?

    Or, you could use the bubble chart, as that chart allows you to plot 3 inter-related quantities on x,y and z axis.
  21. Before buying Fusion maps

    We're coming up with FusionMaps v3.0.5 that supports both: - World Map with countries - Save as Image feature.
  22. Z index problem

    In the chart inclusion JS code, set: chart.setTransparent(true);
  23. execute function on data point hover?

    Yes - we'll try to do that.
  24. gadget Styles not implementing

    Hi, Can you please send the complete XML to support [at]
  25. Grpah is not visible in IE 7.0

    We recommend using the FusionCharts JavaScript class to embed the charts.