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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Saving image - corrupt saved chart file

    You can use it with any v3 chart. Yes - the image is regenerated at server side.
  2. Marking special events in a chart?

    Hi Frats, I'm afraid, as of now, you cannot position arbitrary elements on the chart.
  3. How to draw trend line

    Just change vTrendlines to trendlines in that case.
  4. Map Sizing

    Both look the same to me too. Is there a possibility you can share a live URL with us?
  5. y-axis label

    Hi, The y-axis label too is bold - but since it's rotated (and uses embedded fonts), it appears so. You cannot set FPS from XML - but can control animation speed using the STYLEs feature.
  6. Multi Series Chart

    Hi, Which SWF are you using?
  7. animate map on click

    I'm afraid no - as the chart animates at start. Or, what you can do is: - Have a button in page which when clicked renders the chart in page. As such, it would look as if the button click animates chart.
  8. Please see
  9. Handle Right click event

    Hi Moorthy, While we can tell you what places to modify, we would not be carrying code customizations ourselves.
  10. Charts not printing in Firefox

    Hi, I'm afraid Firefox has issues with printing no-scaled Flash movies. As such, the only solution would be to modify the .fla files with the new size and recompile.
  11. Disable Right-Click Print on FusionCharts v3

    I'm afraid it's not directly possible. You'll need to edit the source code to attain the same.
  12. What syntax of legend in fusion maps?

    You just need to define your color ranges in map, which will show as legend.
  13. Patterns instead of colors

    Hi, I'm afraid we do not yet support pattern fill as of now.
  14. I'm not sure if I've understood your question. Please elaborate.
  15. copy and paste fusion charts

    Yes - it's available in evaluation too. Just make sure you're using v3.0.6.
  16. Better javascript callbacks?

    Brian, I'm afraid you cannot do that. But in FC_Rendered(strDOMId), we pass the DOMId of each chart as a parameter. So, internally you could just put an if-then or switch-case to redirect the load to different methods.
  17. Charts not printing in Firefox

    Hi, I'm afraid, currently there isn't another way to do this - because of the way Firefox handles no-scaled Flash movies.
  18. I'm afraid you cannot reposition the bars in our chart. Currently, we just allow changing the values.
  19. Save graph as image using ASP?

    Hi, You can save the charts using ASP+ASPImage (which you'll have to license, though). We can create the ASP script for you using ASPImage to do so.
  20. Urgently!!! Need help!!!

    I'm not sure if I've understood your query. Please elaborate.
  21. Hi, I'm afraid you cannot animate individual value when sent as a set of values. Only option would be to send 1 value at a time.
  22. Problem with Cache

    Andy, It's not possible to directly remove it. You can customize the source code to remove this, though.
  23. Chart for Levelwise [XML-Value]

    You can do the following: - Hide y-axis values - Add trendlines to y-axis with string labels
  24. Stacked Area and LIne (combi)

    I'm afraid you cannot have stacked areas + line. Only stacked column + line is possible.