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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. You'll need to put a middleware script that actually does the task of filtering data by date. Then, this script would pass the relevant records to FusionCharts (in XML) and the chart would render.
  2. PowerCharts' DragNode doesn't load images

    Is the JPEG produced by ASP progressive or non-progressive?
  3. John, Can you please send us details of your problem with relevant XML files at [email protected]?
  4. I'm afraid you'll have to edit the source for that.
  5. Change Color from Green to Red

    Yes - you can do that by setting plotFillColor.
  6. Hi, You may post the relevant functions on the forum. But please do not upload full .as files.
  7. Hi, We've released FusionCharts v3.0.6 with the following new features: - New: Ability to invoke Image saving feature from JavaScript. - New: Ability to print chart using JavaScript. - New: ColdFusion, JSP and Perl scripts for image saving. - New: Ability to track clicks and rendering event of chart in other Flash movies. - New: VB.NET Code examples of UpdatePanel. - Bug Fix: Minor bug fix in PHP image saving script. - Bug Fix: In Pie 2D, Pie 3D, Doughnut 2D and Doughnut 3D Charts, image saving routine was not called once data had been manipulated using JavaScript. Licensed users can download the free upgrade from
  8. Change Color from Green to Red

    I'm afraid you cannot define value wise color.
  9. Shadow in StackedColumn3d charts

    You can just set [chart showShadow='0' ...]
  10. Normal Columns when 2nd Set Not Present

    Steve, You can use the MSColumn3D.swf chart and provide 2 sets of data for Jan. For other months, you can set empty data elements as explained at
  11. Yes - we've attributes like canvasLeftMargin and canvasRightMargin which let you set the size of canvas irrespective of limit values.
  12. Charlie, You can have text pop-up on markers - but not images.
  13. PowerCharts' DragNode doesn't load images

    Hi, What type of image format is your ASP page generating?
  14. Data Streaming Of Charts

    It's available only for the real-time charts present in FusionGadgets suite.
  15. License info

    Yes - you may use it.
  16. Hi, To hide the vertical border of the canvas, you'll need to edit the source code of the chart. Also, the trend lines can appear from start only if animation is set to 0 for entire chart.
  17. Hi, Thanks for your suggestions. Can you also send me one such XML file where it's not working?
  18. Charts with Control Limits

    You'll need to calculate those values and feed in the graph.
  19. Multiple Pie3D charts

    Hi, For the pie and doughnut charts, the size is determined by the empty space on chart (left after rendering labels). If you want to force your own size of the pie/doughnut, you can set: [ chart ... pieRadius='xx' ...] (xx in pixels)
  20. Hi, When FusionCharts encounters a null value, it treats it as 0 with a flag to not show it. As such, during checking your specified minValue (25000) is invalidated against this value of 0. So, you might just change your null values to 25000.
  21. Different Sizes

    Hi, Can you also make sure you're using FusionCharts v3.0.5?
  22. fusioncharts and Google Maps

    Yes - you can add querystring to XML file and then URL Encode it.
  23. Highlight/Show the intersection points

    As of now, you cannot display it ON the x-axis category labels - it'll always show up between them.
  24. Highlight/Show the intersection points

    I'm afraid that's not possible currently.
  25. Hi, Can you give us a live URL to check it?