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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. How to draw trend line

    Do you need horizontal (y-axis) or vertical (x-axis) trend lines?
  2. Hi, I'm afraid it's atleast 8-10 months away.
  3. Use of vLine or equivalent

    Hi, In FusionGadgets v3 (real-time) charts, we do support labels for vLines - however, the same is not currently present in FusionCharts.
  4. yAxisMinvalue/yAxisMaxvalue settings

    Hi, In FusionCharts, the y-axis limits are decided based on the entire collection of data. As such, if you've a spike in data for just a single day, it'll be considered while calculating the limits (even if you set adjustDiv=0). One way to visualize such data would be to use logarithmic axis charts from PowerCharts suite - the log axis are much better to visualize data if you've such high deviations.
  5. Self Links

    I'm afraid you cannot create links to self, as of now.
  6. Hi, We did send you an email with a few new SWFs. Did you receive it?
  7. Licencing information

    Hi Amit, FusionCharts is a commercial open source product made in Flash. Now, Flash source contains of .fla and .as files. When you purchase the Enterprise license of FusionCharts, we give you access to both .fla and .as files. However, in some of the lesser licenses, you just get access to .as files (so that you can use FusionCharts in your Flash projects). As for redistribution with commercial products, say you've a commercial survey application in which you need to generate charts. You sell this application to your clients, who in turn host it themselves. If in this product, you want to use FusionCharts to generate the charts, you'll need an OEM license.
  8. Hi Gregor, Unfortunately, it still doesn't spike up the CPU on my machine. However, is there a specific reason you want to use opaque as Wmode?
  9. Latitude/Longitude -> Map x,y-coordinates

    Paul, I'm afraid the conversion is not possible in FusionMaps as of now.
  10. saving images

    Hi, Thanks for sharing this code. I was wondering if you would allow us to publish this in our documentation.
  11. Plotting trendlines on XY scatter chart

    Hi, Something like: <trendLines> <line startValue='430000' endValue='4900000' color='009933' displayvalue='Target' /> </trendLines>
  12. y axis divider line in scatter chart

    Mohan, When using adjustDiv=1, FusionCharts automatically calculates the best number of divlines that is closest to numDivLines specified in your XML. However, if the difference between upper and lower limit is a prime number, there are no possible numDivLines with the specified precision. However, when using adjustDiv=0, FusionCharts forces even the prime number to be distributed into the specified numDivLines (thereby increasing the precision of the number). However, if you force your own decimal places, there could be a loss of precision.
  13. Changing Chart Messages

    Yes - you just need to make sure that the XML file is UTF8 with BOM marks.
  14. Data Protection

    While we do not have an exact data protection layer implementation, we've the AJAX method being used in our open source blueprint application at, which can be downloaded from
  15. Gantt

    Hi, We've taken up this issue and are checking it. Please give us some time to look into it.
  16. Making a fixed Canvas Width? Possible?

    This is just possible in FusionGadgets real-time charts (
  17. Only show certain tooltips

    Hi, I'm afraid you cannot have tooltips on selective entities only.
  18. Can USA map transistion smoothly to a state map?

    Hi, It's all client side Javascript - so you can just take the code from our website.
  19. Lines in MSBar2D.swf

    I'm afraid you cannot display a bar in MSBar2D.
  20. These settings are more pertinent to Flash Player than IE. Can you open the links on the maps/charts on our website?
  21. Hi John, Thanks for your suggestion. Currently, this feature is not available in FusionCharts. However, we'll definitely try and implement this in the next versions.
  22. Pie Charts - Sort order of slices

    Hi, In FusionCharts, we render the pies in same order as they were specified in the XML document. We do not sort them.
  23. Yes - we do not support steps in rotated labels as it would consume too much vertical space, leaving very less for the chart.
  24. FusionCharts in WordPress

    Hi, Can you switch the debug mode of chart to on - that'll give some helpful insights.
  25. Source: How do i change series bullets?

    It's in com/fusioncharts/helper/