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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Dont want to show decimal in axis

    Hi, Since your data is between 0 and 1, the divlines can only be 0 and 1. As such, you can set adjustDiv='0' yAxisValueDecimals='0' numDivLines='0'
  2. size control over Y-axis labels

    You can create a style for yaxis label and apply to the same. However, the font of y-axis can only be changed if it's rendered horizontally.
  3. You can define a link attribute for each [process] and [task] element.
  4. Ken, Can you please send us the XML file at [email protected]?
  5. Fusion Calendar

    Hi, Thanks for your suggestion. Currently, we do not have a calendar and unfortunately it's not even in our roadmap for next 12 months. However, I've added it to our wishlist for future releases.
  6. Hi, I tried the same with Firefox 2.0.11 on Windows XP and it seems to work fine. On what OS did you try it?
  7. Gantt chart start month

    I'm afraid scrolling offset is not currently supported.
  8. Flex 3

    Hi, I'm afraid FusionCharts is yet not natively supported in Flex. The best you can do is load the charts as external Flash 8 SWFs.
  9. Clickable FusionMap Markers

    Yes - you can define link for each marker using link attribute.
  10. Reverse tick values

    Andrew, Which gauge are you using?
  11. New User question about annotations

    Hi, I'm afraid our candlestick chart cannot plot arrows - however, it can use vLines to highlight points.
  12. I'm afraid we do not support a full chart tool tip.
  13. Fusionmaps in Excel

    The standard map package doesn't expose the click action to ExternalInterface. You'll need to use the customized version of the map, which invokes click event using ExternalInterface.
  14. Multiple xAxis Category Levels

    You can use the scatter plot chart to attain this type of chart. You can connect the points in the scatter chart using a line.
  15. Using Drawing Pad For Organization Chart

    Hi, You might alternatively want to look at the Drag node chart in PowerCharts suite ( for organizational charts.
  16. Chart ToolTips

    Hi, I'm afraid currently that is not possible with FusionCharts.
  17. Wrap trendLine Text Value on Right

    You can try putting in in the trend values as explained at
  18. Problem with big values

    Yes - you can set the y-axis min value using
  19. Hi, I'm afraid FusionMaps cannot yet handle longitudes and latitudes.
  20. FI2_Gantt.swf setting

    Yes - this feature is present only in v3 gantt chart. If you're an Instrumentation v2 customer, you can download the free upgrade from
  21. 'Loading Chart...' Background

    Steve, To change the background color of the movie, you can edit the source .fla and just recompile it. However, to skip the screen, you would need to change quite a bit in the code.
  22. Gantt chart not displaying whole chart

    Hi, Can you please try with the Gantt SWF from
  23. Legend - color boxes too small

    You cannot individually increase the size of the bullets inside legend, however, you can increase them together with the font size by creating a style for legend.
  24. length of dataurl in fusionchart in IE

    Hi, I'm afraid you cannot do a POST call using dataURL, as it's a single GET invoke for XML that we initiate inside FusionCharts.
  25. saving images

    Hi, We're doing the client side image saving functionality implementation and it will be a part of the next release. As for server side generation, I'm afraid that's not yet feasible, as the charts are generated at client side.