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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Please see > Guide for web developers
  2. Thumbnail charts

    You can hide the y-axis values using [ chart showYAxisValues='0' .. ]
  3. Passing variable in the URL

    Hi, Just URLEncode the entire URL.
  4. I'm afraid the only option would be to increase chart height, as of now.
  5. Yes - please see > Guide for Flash Developers.
  6. FusionCharts Javascript bug

    Hi, Can you switch the debug mode of chart to on - to see what the chart is getting from browser?
  7. Hi, Thanks for your mail. Can you please elaborate "3. Coloring between particular Horizontal Divisional Lines."?
  8. Embed FusionChart in any web page w/ 1 liner?

    Hi, I'm afraid you need to put minimum 4-5 lines of code to embed a chart - either using JS method or using direct HTML method.
  9. Hi, I'm afraid we currently do not have an option to show custom values on the chart. You can show custom tool text though. Another option would be to feed the values as percentage to the chart. For example, if you need a bar to show 43, just set the value itself as 43 and then set numberSuffix as %.
  10. Hi, Would something like do?
  11. Hi, Would something like do?
  12. Client Side JavaScript Charting error

    You can build a proxy page on your server, which actually gets the data from remote page and then conveys it locally to the chart. For example: Chart --> Your proxy page --> Remote server --> back to your proxy page --> Chart.
  13. Hi Paul, Thanks for your suggestion. I've added it to our wishlist for next major version. However, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible to add this in a minor version.
  14. Hi, I'm afraid you cannot control the width of the bars manually.
  15. US Regional Parish Maps

    Hi Mike, Thanks for your suggestions. Can you please send us some such sample maps at [email protected]?
  16. Hi, I'm afraid currently we do not have a Flash chart like that.
  17. CSV file of Specification Sheets

    I'm afraid we do not have a CSV sheet for the specification. However, you can directly copy paste the table in Microsoft Excel and save as CSV.
  18. Hi, It means that only person can use the charts to generate the charts. For example, if you're writing an application that uses FusionCharts, only person can code that part of application which uses FusionCharts, and thereby test it. However, any number of persons can use the application as end users.
  19. Dropbars...?

    I'm afraid we do not have a chart like this as of now. Our error bar chart version can be seen at
  20. Flash Menu

    Hi, Thanks for your mail. I'm afraid currently it's not possible to do so.
  21. Client Customized, Data-Driven Chart

    Yes - you can combine it with any database too. We've sections on this in our documentation at > Guide for Web developers.
  22. Stream text annotation

    I'm afraid you cannot stream updates to an annotation object.
  23. Trendlines and 3d Graphs

    I'm afraid it's not possible on a 3D chart.
  24. Trendline thickness and dashed property

    Yes - that's the mathematical fix. When you've dashes with thickness 2 but distance (gap) as 1, they're bound to overlap, as the gap and length are pixel values. So, you'll need to increase the gap size.
  25. FunnelChart and showFCMenuItem='0'

    Hi, We're sorry for the bug. If you can please give us your email address, we'll send you an update right away.