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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Example (Code) for Charts using AJAX

    Yes - we've a lot of examples in our documentation at > Guide for Web Developers > FusionCharts and JavaScript.
  2. Hi, Did this happen every time you reproduced the steps?
  3. Problems with charts in Powerpoint

    Do you want to do this within a PowerPoint presentation?
  4. We can track event for releasing outside within the Flash canvas. But, if you drag it outside the scope of the Flash object, we cannot track the release event.
  5. Change X-Axis Variable via SELECT box

    Yes - this is one example where we use JavaScript + dataXML method. You can use also use JavaScript + dataURL method.
  6. The exact 2D version of this chart is MSCombiDY2D.swf
  7. Ann, We recommend less than 500 data points in a single drag node chart. >> Also wonder if there is a mechanism to expand the context menu on a node - ie, add new menu options that would link to javascript functions? You cannot directly do so. You'll have to customize the source code of the chart.
  8. execute function on data point hover?

    I'm afraid we do not expose mouse over event.
  9. When you move the mouse out too quickly, the flash chart loses the mouse control (as it then goes to browser window, outside the flash chart control). As such, we recommend dragging within the limits of the chart canvas.
  10. Please set the decimal precision attribute in your XML data document itself.
  11. Using xsd/castor to generate out the xmls

    Hi Devendra, Thanks for your mail. I'm afraid we do not have XSD or such automatic XML generators as of now, for various reasons. First is backward compatibility of attributes, second is case insensitive nature of attributes and so on. Instead of creating an XSD, we would recommend creating a JSP API to build the chart and provide the attributes. We're currently working on a PHP API and would release it in a couple of weeks.
  12. Currently, we do not have plans to use images. You can, however, customize the source code of the chart (present in Enterprise license).
  13. eliminating white space

    You can set <map mapLeftMargin='0' mapRightMargin='0' mapTopMargin='0' mapBottomMargin='0' ...> Also, make sure that you are resizing the map in a constrained size w.r.t original specified size.
  14. Gantt chart not displaying whole chart

    Steve, Can you please upload the XML data of the chart as an attachment?
  15. Change X-Axis Variable via SELECT box

    I'm afraid you cannot have a drop down in the chart. However, you can have your drop down in HTML and connect the data to chart using client side JavaScript - without invoking any page refreshes.
  16. Help... Chart render error....sometimes

    Please paste the HTML code that you're using to embed the chart.
  17. Seriesname formatting

    The functioning seems to be alright - FusionCharts is wrapping the text in the legend, as it is pretty long. If you do not need the text to be wrapped, you may try increasing the width of chart.
  18. Catch clicks in map

    Yes Erik. All the maps support this. Please see > Drill down maps.
  19. Change the size of the title text size

    Can you please detail the problem?
  20. Vince, You can modify our FusionMaps GUI (written in JavaScript) to allow this type of saving. Your users can then define points on the map and this could be submitted to a database.
  21. Difference in Axis Titles Style?

    Stef, The vertical title is rendered using embedded Verdana font - the embedded font is not bold. As such, you cannot make the y-axis title bold.
  22. Regarding the issue of form tag

    What does GetChartsData return?
  23. Updating FI2_RT_Column using

    It's a free upgrade from
  24. Updating FI2_RT_Column using

    Can you try with FusionGadgets v3 -
  25. Please see > Trend-lines. We recommend you to please refer to doc, before posting any topics here.