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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Making small font size legible

    Those are special fonts that you get on the net. To embed the font, you'll need to modify the .fla file of the chart.
  2. Using MultiSeries 2D Graphs

    You cannot do that using FusionCharts.
  3. Seriesname formatting

    Can you please upload a screenshot and XML data?
  4. start of sub elements

    It starts at 0 degree.
  5. Basic usage of FusionCharts with JSP

    Can you please upload the code as .zip attachment?
  6. Dropbars...?

    Hi, Can you please give us an example of dropbars?
  7. Hi, I'm afraid that's not currently possible.
  8. We recommend going through > Gantt chart. It's explained in there.
  9. Histogram

    I'm afraid this chart is not possible with FusionCharts.
  10. Just use the appropriate Scroll chart SWF file.
  11. Hi Arun, We've added your request to our wish list and would try to implement this in the next version.
  12. When you hide a chart contained in a DIV and then show it back, the browsers actually need to reload the chart SWF. They do not perform simple show/hide. As such, when you call setDataURL method again, the chart has not yet loaded and exposed its API to browser. As such, you'll need to track FC_Rendered event again, before calling the setDataURL method.
  13. Dual Y with one series?

    Mike, Can you please attach a prototype screenshot of the chart that you're looking at?
  14. PowerMap + XHTML anyone?

    Hi, Can you try the newer FusionMaps.js provided with FusionMaps v3.0.4?
  15. Making small font size legible

    Hi, To get the fonts more crisp, you can try using some pixel fonts and set size as 8.
  16. You can use the <vLine> feature to show such events. We've shown an example at As for external image, you can load them only in background.
  17. Multiple primary or secondary Y axes

    That is possible only in the multi-axis line chart at
  18. Export to JPEG

    Hi, Thanks a lot for this info. Would it be possible for you to share code on this forum so that our other users can also utilize this technology?
  19. Basic question about y axis scale

    You can set <graph yAxisMaxValue='xxx' ..> where xxx is your custom numeric value.
  20. Control canvas borders...

    I'm afraid that's not directly possible as of now. You'll need to modify the source code to attain this.
  21. Hi, As per the debug mode contents, your chart is not getting registered with JavaScript. Else, it would show a message in the debugger.
  22. Fusion Chart V3 for line issue

    Hi, You need to use MSCombiDY2D.swf - only in 2D charts, we support the renderAs attribute.
  23. Drag-node Chart connector link

    You need to make the changes in the Chart class file. You'll need to have sound knowledge of ActionScript 2 and Flash 8 to do the same.
  24. Yes - just a Site license would be enough for this.
  25. scrollbar position

    I'm afraid you cannot swap the positions.