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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Long labels with a Pie Chart

    I'm afraid we do not support breaking of labels on a pie chart. However, you can opt to hide the labels on the pie chart and then use FusionCharts grid component to show it.
  2. If you're getting an error that setDataURL/setDataXML is not a function of the chart object, please make sure of the following: 1. Please make sure that you're using FusionCharts v3 charts, as the JavaScript API was introduced in this version. To check whether you're using v3, just match your SWF name with the names listed at 2. Please ensure that you've set registerWithJS flag to 1. For more information on how to do this, please see Basically, you need to set the last parameter in the following code to 1: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "chart1Id", "400", "300", "0", "1"); 3. Please make sure that you're not placing the chart inside a FORM element. When the chart is inside a FORM element, the browser cannot access the chart using DOM. 4. Please make sure that you're not calling the setDataURL/setDataXML method before the chart has loaded and rendered. You need to use FC_Rendered function of chart to track the loading of chart as explained at The page's body onLoad event would NOT work, as the chart starts loading after the body has finished loading. 5. Please make sure that you're NOT running the chart from local file system (C: , D:). Instead, run the chart from behind a server (localhost - IIS, Apache etc.). This is because the Flash Player security settings do not allow Chart to JavaScript interaction, unless otherwise specifically set.
  3. still old block char in legend

    Hi, All charts in v3.0.4 support round legend. The size of that character is determined by the size of your legend font.
  4. patterns for chart fill

    Matt, Currently we do not support this. However, we might consider adding this in our futue releases.
  5. Date and Time in Gantt Chart

    It's already available at
  6. Drag-node Chart connector link

    Yes - you can modify the relevant files ( in com/fusioncharts/core/charts) folder.
  7. how capture chart image

    Hi, Currently FusionCharts doesn't support exporting of image from the charts.
  8. Multiple Charts on same page

    Please see
  9. Gantt Chart Rendering

    Yes - you've % in your XML. Please encode them to %25 when using dataXML method. In dataURL method, you can directly use them.
  10. Color Selection Formula in FusionCharts

    In licensed version (not in User license though), it's in SourceCode/com/fusioncharts/helper/ file.
  11. Impact on server

    Hi, It's one of core features of FusionCharts to help you reduce server load. Since FusionCharts is generated at client side, there's no load at all on the server. You can have any number of concurrent users, without having any impact on your server. There are lots of websites that get over a million hits a day and use FusionCharts in their home pages/such applications.
  12. How to embed fonts into a chart

    Hey, You can do it in a way similar to
  13. Highlight

    I'm not sure what you mean by changing background. But another option for showing forecast data would be to use dashed lines.
  14. Even the redraw is a re-load - as such the movie thinks that it has been loaded each time.
  15. Interactive Javascript Example

    That's not a native feature. We've written some external JavaScript code and hooked it up with FusionCharts to achieve that effect. Yes - you can make it work on any chart, as long as your JavaScript code is right.
  16. Highlight

    You can just color that section of line by applying color attribute for the <set> element: <set ... color='Hex Code' ...>
  17. setDataXML is not doing anything

    Try switching the debug mode of chart to on - that'll help you with the data identification process.
  18. Data Drill

    We do offer drill down on the charts - you just need to create the next level content page in your code.
  19. Hi, Can you please send us an email at [email protected] - we'll check and send you an update.
  20. I'm afraid the caching and re-drawing is all handled by the browser - as such you cannot control it in code.
  21. Negative Values with parenthesis

    I'm afraid that's not currently possible using FusionCharts.
  22. Problem in Using JavaScript functions as links

    Make sure you're not running from local file system.
  23. gantt chart category problem

    Can you please attach the full XML data document?
  24. Embedding Fusion Chart in another Flash project

    Richard, I'm afraid we do not let out source code in trial versions. However, if you can drop an email at [email protected] requesting for a single chart source code, we can do so.
  25. Y- Axes number Suffix Problem

    Please see the section > Advanced Charting > Number Formatting