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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. What SWF are you using? Also, we recommend posting a topic only once in the right forum. So, please do avoid posting duplicate forum topics.
  2. Gantt Chart Rendering

    You might be having special characters or combination of ' and ". If you have those, you'll necessarily need to use dataURL method.
  3. Hi Jon, I'm afraid, as of now, we do not support image export. However, this is in our wishlist too and should be there in our next major version (but some time away).
  4. No data to display error

    At > Chart XML Reference
  5. provide DataURL with a php variable

    Can you please run the PHP page and then give me just the output HTML?
  6. Power chart elements Z-order and HGrids

    The only way to determine z-order is using the orientation in XML. I'm not sure if I've understood swim-lane. Can you please elaborate?
  7. Slow reloading dynamic graphs

    Hi, Against which chart are you plotting the data? Also, can you please give us a live link to this and elaborate what the problem is? Ideally, we would recommend to switch the debug mode of chart to on - that'll give you a lot of insight too.
  8. How to display tool tip

    In FusionCharts v3 scatter chart, we show both x and y values. Can you please try that?
  9. hidde show chart

    It's not a bug - it's the way browser handles any ActiveX object.
  10. plot date values

    Hi, I'm afraid that's not currently possible using FusionCharts, as we do not support date based axis (barring Gantt charts).
  11. different prefix in the same chart

    You can either use a dual y axis chart or a multi-axis chart to attain this.
  12. How to center Caption text?

    I'm afraid you cannot center the caption when you've HTML tags in it.
  13. Hi, To get such an axis, you'll have to manually set the limits of each axis (primary and secondary).
  14. Chart rendering problem only in IE

    Can you please embed the chart using JavaScript method of embedding?
  15. using the SSGrid.swf

    I'm afraid that's not possible.
  16. reversing the Y axis

    Hi, Please see
  17. hidde show chart

    Hi, It's controlled by the browser - as such you cannot manipulate it.
  18. Auto resize problem

    It's atleast 12 months away.
  19. Legend for Different "Classes" in Scatter?

    Hi, The only option would be to place the data in different datasets.
  20. Get Chart Data after Drilldown

    Hi, It's not possible in FusionCharts v3 charts - but it's possible in FusionGadgets v3 charts (
  21. Client Side JavaScript Charting error

    Hi, The Flash Player security settings prevent cross site SWF loading and then providing it data. As such, this error is raised.
  22. Logarithmic Scale

    Hi, I'm afraid we do not have logarithmic axis on scatter chart, as of now.
  23. help me please

    Make sure to use dataURL method.
  24. Angular Gauge not displaying in Portlet

    Hi Samanth, Can you please share with us the source and resolution of problem. This can be helpful for other community members.
  25. 'link' error in IE 5.5, 6.0

    That code is present in Download Package (licensed) > Source > invokeLink method. I'm afraid we cannot paste internal code publicly.