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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Legend in pie charts

    You can use FusionCharts Grid component to create a legend beside pie chart.
  2. dataset link

    You can add the same link for all items in that dataset.
  3. Hi, We'll try and improve the legend in our future releases.
  4. You may use a combination of these attributes to create any formatting: <chart ... showPercentValues='1/0' showPercentInToolTip='1/0' ... >
  5. Line breaks in text annotation

    Hi, Can you try the method explained at
  6. Hi, Can you please send the entire XML as attachment?
  7. Global update: We've updated FusionCharts v3.0.4 pack with the fixed Pie 3D and Doughnut 3D charts. These two charts are now versioned as v3.0.4 (, while the rest continue as v3.0.4. Registered users can download the new packs from > My Orders > Re-download. We're really sorry for any inconvenience caused to you because of this.
  8. Out of memory error multiple charts

    Bobby, Apparently, everything seems right. Can you zip and send us the code at [email protected]?
  9. Auto resize problem

    Thanks - we're planning to implement this in our next major version.
  10. Positioning Background SWF

    You cannot position the bgSWF inside chart. However, another way would be to: Have the external SWF with the same width/height as that of intended chart. Place the background content inside that as and where you want to.
  11. Can you please send the code as attachment to [email protected]?
  12. Hover Actions

    Hi, It's not possible using JavaScript, as we do not expose the hover event to Flash/JS. In our example, we had customized the core Chart class to raise an event on hover too - that event is now listened-to in the container Flash movie (the example) and then other actions take place.
  13. Fusioncharts and Codecharge

    I've not used CCS before - as such my reply would be partial and just relevant to FusionCharts side. If you're getting an "Error in loading data" or other similar errors, I would recommend switching the debug mode of chart to on - that'll give you insight into as to what might be causing the chart not to work.
  14. There's no native support for legend in single series charts. You can, however, use the FusionCharts Grid component, as explained at > Guide for Web developers > FusionCharts Grid component.
  15. You need to necessarily keep the chart outside <FORM> element. When a Flash object is placed inside <FORM> element, the browser DOM cannot access it.
  16. Hiding points on multiline graph

    Yes - it works for multiple series as well.
  17. Range Bar

    You may please sent it to [email protected]
  18. Out of memory error multiple charts

    Bobby, Two more checks: Can you make sure that you're using v3.0.4 of FusionCharts? To check this, just switch the debug mode to on. Can you also make sure that you're using latest version of FusionCharts.js (size 11 KB)?
  19. examples? c# would be nice

    Yes - we're currently working on it and would soon put it in FusionMaps v3.0.5.
  20. If you're using dataURL method, FusionCharts wouldn't throw an error. Using dataXML method, it will throw.
  21. FeedData_JS.html

    I'm sorry for the confusion. feedData is not a method in FusionCharts.js. It's a method in a few of the FusionGadgets charts. The charts from FusionGadgets expose serialized JS APIs, which do not need a reference in FusionCharts.js. They're directly accessible from JS, as long as you're able to get a reference to the chart object in DOM.
  22. about upgrade

    Not at all. It's a free upgrade from
  23. Auto resize problem

    Yes - something like - here we're changing the entire chart - but you can keep the same chart, but just resize it.
  24. Hiding points on multiline graph

    Hi, You can try something like> Connecting Null Data.
  25. FeedData_JS.html

    Kevin, Just make sure that you're running the files from behind a server (localhost or remote).