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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Hi, Since many charts have many different properties - creating a global index would sometimes yield to more confusion than clarity. That's why we've chart wise indexed and linked list.
  2. JSON format

    Hi, I'm afraid JSON is not currently supported.
  3. Population pyramid

    Hi, Currently we do not have this chart. However, I've added it to our future development wishlist.
  4. FC_Rendered event not firing

    On a local disk - no. But in more than 99 % cases, FusionCharts runs on a web server (either localhost or remote). There, you do not need any such setting.
  5. Which version of FusionCharts are you using? Make sure its v3.
  6. FusionChart Javascript Library

    Because then you've a conflict of quotes like below: chart.setDataXML("<chart caption="..." which breaks code.
  7. X-AxisLabels Values

    It's not possible in Presentation Suite - it's possible in FusionCharts v3.
  8. Microsoft JScript Runtime Error

    Instead of using HTML embed method, we recommend using the JavaScript method of embedding. Please try with that.
  9. Yaxis number formatting error

    I'm afraid that won't be possible then.
  10. dhtml menu hide my flash graph

    FusionCharts is a set of Flash movies, and as kind of plugins, are rendered in a special way by the browsers (a method known as "windowed"), making them the topmost objects in a page. To allow DHTML objects appear over a Flash movie just add this parameter: WMode=Transparent to the Flash <object> tag. It should look like this: <param name="WMode" value="Transparent"> In order to support Mozilla-based browsers and other browsers, such as Safari, you should also include the wmode parameter in the <embed> tag, like this: <embed wmode="transparent" .......></embed> If you're using the FusionCharts JavaScript class to embed your charts, you may download the updated JavaScript class from
  11. I'm afraid there is not such method exposed as of now.
  12. IE Problem: Data Displayed Only Occasionally

    FusionCharts needs the size in exact pixels without px being appended.
  13. Legend Styles for solid boxes

    Hi Seth, It's not actually a feature - but rather a way different machines treated the block character, which we used for legend. We've just released FusionCharts v3.0.4, in which we've addressed it.
  14. MS Stacked Chart

    Do not use the stacked chart then- use MSColumn2D.swf
  15. I'm afraid we do not have a 3d version of that chart.
  16. refresh option on angular gauge

    Can you please paste the code of JSP inline? Or, preferably just the output of the JSP. Also, another note when using JSP: In order to get the output without addition of any carriage-returns or tab spaces, there should not be spaces or empty lines between scriptlet tags or at the end of the page.
  17. I'm afraid you'll have to use HTML to display tables.
  18. Microsoft JScript Runtime Error

    Can you please send us the output HTML code that's getting generated?
  19. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    You can use either.
  20. I'm afraid you cannot display both values at the same time.
  21. Powerpoint Instructions

    You can generate the XML from your PHP - but if you want to use in PowerPoint, the XML has to be of specific file name at the specified path (the path which is specified in PowerPoint during chart embedding).
  22. The legend doesn't support gradients as of now.
  23. Scrollbar Position

    Hi, We've just released FusionCharts v3.0.4, which allows you to do this in scroll chart. Just set <chart ... scrollToEnd='1' ...>
  24. Scroll chart, initial scroll position

    Hi, We've just released FusionCharts v3.0.4, which allows you to do this in scroll chart. Just set <chart ... scrollToEnd='1' ...>
  25. Scroll chart, load scrolled to the right

    Hi, We've just released FusionCharts v3.0.4, which allows you to do this in scroll chart. Just set <chart ... scrollToEnd='1' ...>