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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Jscript: Invalid character error !!

    Since you've 3 nested quotes, you'll have to use ASCII code for one of them. Like, use the ascii code of " for the innermost quote.
  2. external xml

    Martin, Please try debugging the movie to see what variables and objects are being instantiated? Also, what version of Flash are you compiling in?
  3. Javascript Embedding for IS?

    Hi, I've just created a basic sample for you using Instrumentation Chart and FusionCharts JavaScript class. Please see the attachment.
  4. Hi, It gives me great pleasure to announce the released of FusionCharts FREE for FileMaker - a FileMaker specific version of FusionCharts FREE - and it's completely FREE to use. It boasts of the following features: Animated and interactive charts inside your FileMaker Pro solutions. No external plugins, No drivers, No server software required. Simple copy & paste installation. No internet connection or annual subscriptions
  5. Mask rollover for some countries

    Hi, Just to update you, we're releasing this hover feature in FusionMaps v3.0.4 (coming this month).
  6. renderAs

    Only line, area & column.
  7. tooltip

    I'm afraid that's not quite feasible.
  8. Javascript Embedding for IS?

    Hi, This HTML doesn't seem to be using the JavaScript method of embedding - am I interpreting something wrong here?
  9. Increase size of bar in scrolling charts

    You can reduce the number of columns to be seen in one screen of the chart using the attribute visiblePlot - that ways bigger labels can show up. Or, you can use the stagger mode of showing labels.
  10. Jscript: Invalid character error !!

    I believe it's the set link which is causing a problem. Please try any of these variations to see if they work: link='updateChart("CO#3");' link="updateChart('CO#3');" Basically, we're providing the parameter to updateChart function in quotes, as it's a string.
  11. Hi, This is a feature of FusionCharts - not flash. In a drag chart, the default behavior is to drag - and therefore, the links need to be enabled.
  12. Hi, In the select scatter chart, the anchors necessarily need to show up, as the selection on based on those points.
  13. Hi, Thanks for your suggestion. We actually had this option in our previous version - and we'll again implement the same in our future versions too.
  14. Suggestions for real-time data?

    I'm afraid we do not implement any of these methods in FusionCharts. However, before providing the data to XML, you could use statistical methods to compress data - methods like sampling, or averaging data in blocks (using mean or median) etc.
  15. Charts not shown on IE

    No - just make sure that Flash Player 8 (or above) is installed.
  16. Plotting Negative Values in Pie chart

    We do not support negative values in pie chart.
  17. Ideas of displaying max value

    I'm afraid there aren't more options to displaying the max value. At best, you can apply effects from STYLES.
  18. Drill-down in multi-series chart

    The link can be alloted in the same way: <set .... link='YourLink.ext?...' /> If you need to send information from the link to your page, you'll need to append the info at the end of link (as querystring).
  19. Yes - but make sure that you've right clicked > selected Enable Links on the chart, before clicking the links, as the default behavior is to drag.
  20. limit the column width column charts ?

    In the standard charts, you can set <chart plotSpacePercent='80' ..> or in some charts, you've attributes to directly restrict maximum column width.
  21. Include link in Y axis name

    Can you please pass me the HTML and XML output?
  22. Displaying Borders

    I'm afraid it's not currently possible.
  23. drill-down example, escaping text values

    Please use the ascii code of the quote. We've demo-ed this in our blueprint application.
  24. Suggestions for real-time data?

    You can use this amount of data in Instrumentation Suite.
  25. John, FusionCharts is made in AS 2.0 (Flash 8) and would NOT work with AS 3 (Flash 9).