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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Please elaborate.
  2. Jscript: Invalid character error !!

    Can you please run this code and let me have the final HTML output - as in this state, I do not see the links or data values.
  3. Mask rollover for some countries

    >>> Is it possible to have no hover effect on some countries in a map for example if you don't have data or link for that country? I'm afraid this is not possible. >>> Can I use a background image for a map? Yes - use the bgSWF attribute of map element.
  4. Weird Chart Cropping Problem

    When embedding the chart, try adding this to the SWF: Column3D.swf?chartWidth=xxx&chartHeight=yyy Replace xxx and yyy with your actual values.
  5. renderChart functionality in IE 6.0+

    Just make sure that you're not placing the chart inside a FORM element.
  6. I'm afraid - currently you can show legend to the right or bottom only.
  7. chart appearance

    The chart is actually coming right - you've set a width and height of 400 x 300 pixels, and which is what the chart is plotting.
  8. Yes - you can control the shape and size of each marker. Can you try running our GUI from the server. Or, try it from
  9. yAxisMaxValue not working

    In this chart, the first two values are 3.33 and 3.34, which causes your forced y-axis max value to invalidate.
  10. I guess the PHP part should be similar to ASP. Can you make sure (from the server log) that the chart is calling the PHP page with the right FORM submission type (defined in XML)?
  11. SWF disappears

    I've not received the email. Can you please post it as attachment in the forum?
  12. Suggestions for real-time data?

    Sandy, What amount of data are you looking to plot?
  13. I'm afraid it's not currently possible.
  14. Javascript Embedding for IS?

    Can you please fwd me a copy of your output HTML?
  15. limit the column width column charts ?

    You cannot actually restrict width in a scroll column chart - it's possible only in the standard charts.
  16. Jscript: Invalid character error !!

    Can you please pass on the full HTML and XML output?
  17. ColdFusion and JavaScript question

    You'll then additionally need to pass the factory name from top chart to bottom chart. Also, while building the XML, this has to be taken into account.
  18. Pre-Sales question

    Using our visual GUI, you can build charts from data in Excel or MySQL. However, you cannot put the charts in a Word - they can be put inside HTML or PowerPoint only.
  19. No - but please see
  20. how to use css in charts

    You CANNOT apply CSS to a chart. You need to configure the chart using XML.
  21. how to generate day wise report using Gannt Chart

    Can you please "attach" the xml instead of pasting?
  22. Problems with chart path in .net

    Can you please paste your ASP.NET code?
  23. chart appearance

    Can you please paste the HTML code you're using to embed the charts?
  24. PowerCharts' DragNode doesn't load images

    Hi, Can you make sure that the chart SWF and images are located on same sub-domain?
  25. Include link in Y axis name

    You'll need to use dataURL method and then encode < as < Also, you'll need to convey to the chart that y-axis name would be HTML (using STYLES).