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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. having problem with hebrew

    Just make sure that: You're using dataURL method to provide data. Your XML output is UTF8 with proper BOM mark.
  2. Scroll combination or multi-column chart

    I'm afraid we just have the scroll stacked column chart - ScrollStackedColumn2D.swf
  3. Scroll chart, initial scroll position

    I'm afraid that's not currently possible.

    Can you please elaborate? I've not understood your query.
  5. Tooltext for stacks of values

    Peter, I'm afraid you cannot show tool tips for all series, as of now. We are considering adding this to our future major versions.
  6. As of now, both are not possible with PowerMaps.
  7. Hi, Can you please let us know what problem you're facing?
  8. Image anchor

    We've an option to create a vertical line between two x-axis categories (like, to indicate change of year or so on).
  9. Scroll chart, load scrolled to the right

    I'm afraid, as of now, we do not have a scroll chart with this capability. However, we might be introducing this feature in next releases.
  10. remove()

    You need to call remove() and then reInit();
  11. Legend does not Match Chart

    Hi, <set> color is meant for respective bars only. For legend colors, <dataset>'s color attribute is used.
  12. Hi, You seem to be using dataURL method, but you're providing value for dataXML parameter in renderChart function.
  13. SWF disappears

    Can you please send me the HTML code you're using to embed the charts?
  14. Javascript Embedding for IS?

    Can you make sure you've included FusionCharts.js in the page?
  15. Error in GANTT Chart

    Yes - this was fixed in release 2a. If you can please email us your order Id at [email protected], we'll send you the fixed chart.
  16. Data Label in multiple lines

    Which SWF are you using?
  17. XML Size Limit?

    It depends on the browser. We have not specified any limit in our charts.
  18. Image anchor

    I'm afraid you cannot have images as anchors.
  19. Slant Labels and extended characters

    For rotated labels, the font needs to be embedded, which in turn increases the SWF file size. As such, we've not embedded the fonts for these special characters. You'll have to show these horizontally.
  20. Plotting confidence interval chart?

    You can use the scatter chart to plot this.
  21. how to filt data smoothly

    I'm afraid, as of now, we do not have an alternative method for this.
  22. Javascript Embedding for IS?

    Hi, The same JS can work with IS too. What error are you getting?
  23. yAxisMaxValue not working

    Please make sure that none of your values are greater than 3.10
  24. I'm afraid it's not possible to do so for y-axis values. You can however do it for the data plot values.