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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Pie Chart Labels Issue in V3

    As of now, it's not possible. However, we'll consider it for our future release.
  2. Image anchor

    Do you need this in Gantt chart?
  3. Please try changing the chart to v3 and then switch the debug mode to on.
  4. ASP.NET Ajax UpdatePanel

    Hi, FusionCharts works with AJAX as in custom JavaScripts and client side updates. Infact many industry standard AJAX grids are using FusionCharts - you can see few live demos at We've not restricted ourselves to any specific AJAX framework like that of .NET or .... However, if you can send me a live link, I can debug into it and let you know the source of problem.
  5. subindex in chart

    I'm afraid it's not currently possible to use this in the chart.
  6. Detailed world map

    Hi, As of now, we do not have a world map with all countries. However, we do expect to release it soon. What kind of search integration are you looking at?
  7. Drill down on StackedColumn3DLineDY

    Again, in your XML, you're putting the links in category elements: Your XML: <chart palette='1' caption='R30 ZD - Current State' shownames='1' showvalues='1' connectNullData='0' PYAxisName='Counts' numDivLines='4' legendPosition ='BOTTOM'><categories><category label='FS00092' link='Rept%5FFixVersionDetail%2Easp%3FFixVersion%3DFS00092'/><category label='FS00093-R30' link='Rept%5FFixVersionDetail%2Easp%3FFixVersion%3DFS00093%2DR30'/><category label='FS00096' link='Rept%5FFixVersionDetail%2Easp%3FFixVersion%3DFS00096'/><category label='FS00098' link='Rept%5FFixVersionDetail%2Easp%3FFixVersion%3DFS00098'/><category label='FS00105' link='Rept%5FFixVersionDetail%2Easp%3FFixVersion%3DFS00105'/><category label='FS00108' link='Rept%5FFixVersionDetail%2Easp%3FFixVersion%3DFS00108'/></categories> <dataset seriesName='Active' color='990033' plotFillAlpha='50' parentYAxis='P'> <set value='20'/> <set value='21'/> <set value='8'/> <set value='111'/> <set value='7'/> <set value='3'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Resolved' color='FFCC00' plotFillAlpha='50' parentYAxis='P'> <set value='22'/> <set value='76'/> <set value='19'/> <set value='81'/> <set value='29'/> <set value='33'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Closed' color='006600' plotFillAlpha='10' showValues='0' parentYAxis='S'> <set value='64'/> <set value='944'/> <set value='641'/> <set value='151'/> <set value='53'/> <set value='87'/> </dataset> </chart> As I had suggested (and as per our docs at, you need to put them in <set> element.
  8. Regression analysis chart?

    Hi, I'm afraid we do not currently have such a chart in FusionCharts.
  9. URL Enabling Bars in a BarChart

    All of this is explained in our documentation at
  10. Intermittent loading issues in IE7

    Hi, Can you please make sure that you're using FusionCharts JavaScript class to embed the charts, as that JS handles IE errors automatically.
  11. Put the labels category on the top

    No - I'm afraid that's not currently possible.
  12. using another namespace

    Yes - we've given the source code of this DLL in the download itself. You can use that directly.
  13. Drill down on StackedColumn3DLineDY

    Can you send your XML over? We'll modify it and send it back.
  14. XML Size Limit?

    Make sure you're using dataURL method.
  15. The quetion about background image

    Just set <chart bgSWF='YourFile.jpg' ..>
  16. Drill down on StackedColumn3DLineDY

    The link needs to be specified for <set> element and not <category>
  17. Oh - I'm sorry - the linear gauge doesn't support 2 pointers. I actually misconstructed it as angular gauge.
  18. scrollable bar charts

    Hi, As of now, we do not have these in our roadmap for this year. However, I've added it to our wishlist for future releases.
  19. In your XML, create 2 <dial> elements - one representing each pointer.
  20. Intermittent loading issues in IE7

    Hi, Can you please post a live URL indicating this?
  21. Connectors not being rendered

    Hi, The connectors are being rendered in the chart - it's just that they're getting hidden behind your nodes, owing to their placement. Shown below is an image, when you spread out the nodes:
  22. scroll charts issue

    You need to put your data in multi-series XML format for scroll chart.
  23. Drill down on StackedColumn3DLineDY

    I couldn't find any link attribute in your entire XML data.
  24. DataStreamURL - Update on load?

    Hi, If you set the refresh interval as 60, the chart will get it's first data after 60 seconds only. If you need to add data before that, you can use the JavaScript API to push individual data to chart (provided, you've access to the data in your JavaScript code).
  25. drop down menu flickers when when over chart

    Can you try using the modified JavaScript class from