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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Error in loading data

    Can you try switching the debug mode of chart on and clicking on the dataURL link?
  2. Pie Chart Labels Issue in V3

    You can use the grid component that we provide in the same suite. It takes the data from the same source and renders the legend as you need it.
  3. DataStreamURL - Update on load?

    I'm not sure if I've understood your requirements. Can you please elaborate a bit?
  4. drop down menu flickers when when over chart

    Have you set the WMode of chart to transparent?
  5. clickURL w/ Scroll Charts

    ClickURL helps you make the entire chart as a URL (for thumbnail purposes). By positioning the scroll bar the end of canvas, we meant it's attached to the canvas now - in the earlier version, there was a gap between the canvas and the scroll bar.
  6. Drill down on StackedColumn3DLineDY

    You can have links on this chart too. Can you please send us the XML as attachment?
  7. Are you relaying the data over SSL (HTTPS)?
  8. Javasript for drill down charts.

    Steve, Just copy the files to a server (either localhost or a web server) and then try again.
  9. I'm afraid that's not possible with FusionCharts.
  10. Can you make sure that your XML data has proper BOM mark?
  11. Single chart type purchase

    I'm afraid we do not allow individual charts purchase.
  12. Creating My Own Maps

    Yes - with the Enterprise license, you'll be able to - but that needs good knowledge of Flash and ActionScript. Moreover, we do not provide support on custom map building.
  13. Replace the existing FusionCharts.js file with the new one (link above). That alone should take care of it. You would NOT need to change anything in your .NET code.
  14. Who to print the chart in landscape form

    Yes - you can print the charts using: 1. Browser print control 2. Chart context menu.
  15. Changing Standard Map Messages

    I'm afraid that's not directly possible.
  16. vertical line labels

    Vertical trend lines are possible only in scatter and bubble charts. Rest of the charts do not support it.
  17. Hi, In that case, you'll manually need to set the pieRadius for the chart.
  18. bar after bar

    I'm afraid sequencing is not currently possible with FusionCharts.
  19. Transparent Background in Powermaps

    You need to set following in XML: <chart bgAlpha='0,0' ..> And, then add WMode=Transparent to the Flash <object> tag. It should look like this: <param name="WMode" value="Transparent"> In order to support Mozilla-based browsers and other browsers, such as Safari, you should also include the wmode parameter in the <embed> tag, like this: <embed wmode="transparent" .......></embed>
  20. Creating My Own Maps

    No - as of now, you cannot create your own maps. However, we do create custom maps for $299 each. >> Also, does the source code come with the license for Power Maps, as it does with Fusion Charts? Yes - the Enterprise License does.
  21. about category lable

    Please use FusionCharts v3 and set <chart labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' ..>
  22. Style text in toolTip or toolText

    Hi, You may please see for more info on this.
  23. Multiple Charts on 1 Site

    Please see
  24. FC_Rendered event not firing

    Please make sure of the following: 1. Please make sure that you're using FusionCharts v3 charts, as the JavaScript API was introduced in this version. To check whether you're using v3, just match your SWF name with the names listed at 2. Please ensure that you've set registerWithJS flag to 1. For more information on how to do this, please see Basically, you need to set the last parameter in the following code to 1: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "chart1Id", "400", "300", "0", "1"); 3. Please make sure that you're not placing the chart inside a FORM element. When the chart is inside a FORM element, the browser cannot access the chart using DOM. 4. Please make sure that you're NOT running the chart from local file system (C: , D:). Instead, run the chart from behind a server (localhost - IIS, Apache etc.). This is because the Flash Player security settings do not allow Chart to JavaScript interaction, unless otherwise specifically set.
  25. Hi, Can you please post a live link of this setup?