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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. In rotated text or generally?
  2. saving images

    Christian, Do you think creating so many instances of browsers on the server would scale? It could well be 100s or 1000s of instances of even a basic rendering engine that would need to be created on server. While for smaller values it might work well, for larger installations I am not sure how scalable it would be. Would appreciate any feedback from anyone.
  3. Hi Pieter, Could you please drop me an email at pallav [at], so that I can share the code with you?
  4. Invisible datapoint

    In an area chart, if a point has no siblings (both), then it cannot plot an area around that point. Whereas, in a line or bar chart, you can have orphan points as well, as they're not inter-related for plot. To interpolate, you may set [chart connectNullData='1' ...]
  5. Legend Color Swatch Size

    Currently, if you need to make the legend swatch bigger, the only option is to increase the font size of legend (using STYLE).
  6. Hi Shiv, For once, can you switch the debug mode of chart to on? That'll show that data the chart is fetching.
  7. Legend Format / Bar Styles

    Hi Thomas, v4 would definitely feature this - it's almost on the top of our priority list for v4.
  8. Hello everyone, As a representative from FusionCharts team, we would like justify our position here. Currently, FusionCharts v3 animations are based on a combination of fps and time. We've set the fps to 120 to attain smooth animation. However, if we decrease it to 24 or 20 fps, the animations are not as smooth. As such, we're not changing the fps of core product to 20 yet. And moreover, the fps is only causing problem in Firefox, which we've reported to Mozilla. We're also working on FusionCharts v4, which ground-up uses fps of 20-24 and dynamically adjusts it at run-time based on the CPU performance and the available resources for that particular chart in any browser instance. This will definitely improve things overall. The only catch is that FusionCharts v4 ETA is Q2-2009. We do have parallel 20fps versions of FusionCharts v3 for those who might be interested in it. Just drop us an email at support [at] with your order Id, and we'll be glad to send it over to you.
  9. The stacked charts in FusionCharts suite do NOT allow you to control min value.
  10. Axis Label Wrapping

    Hi Martin, We're looking into this. Can you please send us your email at support [at] so that we can send you an update on this?
  11. Richard, You can specify a frame too. Please see
  12. Yellow Border when tabbing

    Ken, I'm afraid no.
  13. labelStep starting at right

    Hi, I'm afraid currently this is not automatically possible, unless you control label for individual points.
  14. Map values exponentially?

    Hi, If you're looking for y-axis scaling, you can use the logarithmic axis charts from our PowerCharts suite.
  15. Candlestick Chart for Box Plots

    Hi, While we do not offer it now, we've added it to our wishlist for next major version.
  16. Hi, Since the co-ordinates for color range are dynamically generated based on other elements to be rendered in the chart, there isn't a direct way to map that to annotation x/y. The only feasible way would be to modify the source code to embed the images at right location.
  17. Gantt: scroll + trendline displayValue

    Hi, Since when the chart has scroll bar, there isn't enough space at the bottom, the item is getting hidden behind the task bar. One way to overcome this would be to add a dummy process/task name.
  18. Bar/Line charts values are incorrect

    Hi, This is appearing to you because of the 3D shift that we've given to line chart (and lack of columns in your chart). If you wish the same chart without a 3D shift of line, just drop us an email at support [at] and I would be glad to send you a copy.
  19. Scatter Point description

    Kai, Thanks for your feedback. We'll put this feature in v4 for sure.
  20. Saving and mailing charts

    Hi, Another option could be to save the charts on server, though this is experimental: - In Java, create an instance of browser on server - Load the chart in that (guess would have to build temporary HTML files with chart code) - Use JavaScript API to automatically call the save script - When saved, close the browser instance - Use a queue manager to manage all the instances of browser.
  21. Auto resize problem

    Jaideep, I'm afraid things are a bit delayed on our part (technical reasons purely). We were waiting for Flash 10 to come. As such the new ETA is May.
  22. Hi, How are you updating the charts? If its using JS, then there might be a flicker, as the charts re-render. If you want self-updating charts, you may have a look at data streaming charts in our FusionWidgets suite at
  23. Turn off axis labels via JS

    If it's the x-axis labels that you want to hide, you may set [chart showLabels='0' ...]
  24. Hi, Have you tried it with v3.0.7 (switch to debug mode to see the version)?