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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Watermark

    I'm afraid you cannot show the bgSWF over the chart.
  2. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    Have you made sure that you've included the FusionCharts.js or FusionMaps.js file depending on whether you're using the chart/map.
  3. No - in that case, you'll have to manually add a element to XML.
  4. Drill Down chart issue. Help

    In that case you'll need to use JavaScript to change charts in the same page.
  5. Bullet graphs

    Hi Sundar, Please try the following: 1. Decide a size for your chart. 2. Manually set the axis limits 3. use annotation feature to load images 4. Plot the chart
  6. v3.07 says "evaluation"

    That seems to be the correct file. Can you please again make sure that your old files have been overwritten and the cache been cleared - sorry for reiterating, but that could be the only problem.
  7. Yes - just set it in the HTML code that you're using to embed the chart.
  8. Hi, I apologize for still not being able to understand the whole issue. Can you point me to a live URL where this is not functioning as expected?
  9. Label problems in drag node chart

    We checked this issue in detail and it happens only when you provide the wrong path to image (i.e., image is non-existent). In that case, we're unable to trap the onLoad event. As such, if you provide the right image path, it'll work fine.
  10. v3.07 says "evaluation"

    John, What was the name of the .zip file that you downloaded? Did you download it from
  11. Hi, In our code, we've not modified/used any event handlers of the DOM. As such, I'm not sure why the event is getting supressed. I'm afraid you cannot yet specify a frame for sending image data.
  12. Possibly in the next major version of FusionWidgets (another 8-10 months)
  13. Image anchor

    Would take maybe a couple of days max if an experienced developer makes the change.
  14. Controlling Execution of Charts

    Hi, I'm afraid no, as this is controlled by the browser. I think Firefox already has that behavior.
  15. Saving chart as image C#

    Hi Ed, Currently, you cannot save the chart as image at server side. You'll need to render the chart once at client side, before you can invoke the save as image routine.
  16. Hi, If you force the width, FusionWidgets wouldn't calculate the best fit in that case.
  17. Drag Node chart - Connector properties

    Hi, In the getXML(), we primarily return the new data for the chart (new nodes/modified nodes). We do not add any cosmetic attributes as such.
  18. Javascript Highlight

    Hi, I'm afraid we do not yet support highlighting of individual columns.
  19. Fusion chart to PDF or HTML Page

    Hi, You do not necessarily need to export FusionCharts as image to print it. Even if you just print from browser, it'll print.
  20. "Error in Loading Data" in FireFox but not IE

    Leon, Can you try putting the data XML file value in quotation in chart.setDataURL("data.xml");
  21. display time (03:00) over column in column chart

    Tim, I'm afraid that's currently not feasible.
  22. Saving chart as an image.

    Hi, I'm afraid currently we do not have an option for opening the chart saving dialog in a new window.
  23. Ferry, I'm afraid currently we do not support any addition of data to the image passed to server. btw, registerWithJs is the last flag in constructor.
  24. How to put a caption on the map?

    The maps do not support caption - you can put them in your HTML outside the map.
  25. FormatNumberScale with secondary Y axis

    Jim, For the secondary axis, you need to define the number scale using s prefix for attributes. Also, the attachments can be downloaded only post-login.