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Everything posted by Jesús

  1. Help With Print Menu Item

    Hi there, I want to change the default legen "PRINT CHART" by "IMPRIMIR" in the PRINT MENU ITEM, could somebody tell me which param must be changed?? Thanks !!!
  2. Problem Plotting Data

    Hi there, I have a problem with the plotting data, here is the thing, i do the query without problems and i can plot the graph too, but in the data i selected a date rank, so when i plot the graph the firts date is not in the graphic Example, i select the rank 2012-01-01 2012-01-02 2012-01-03 2012-01-04 2012-01-05 And the graphic starts with 2012-01-02, i attached the graphic and the source code, so i hope that you can help me. Greetings!! graphTBPS.php
  3. Problem Plotting Data

    Thanks Sumedh, do you have something like an example ?? or if you can check my source code please, in order to find my mistake, thanks a lot !!
  4. Problem Plotting Data

    Thanks Swarman, you're right, ahd thats the real problem, because in the query i got the rank complete, but in the function that plot the graph it seems like the first record is missing, so i hope that you can help me to understand why this record is missing.
  5. Problem Plotting Data

    Thanks Swarman, you're right, ahd thats the real problem, because in the query i got the rank complete, but in the function that plot the graph it seems like the first record is missing, so i hope that you can help me to understand why this record is missing.
  6. Problem Plotting Data

    Hi there, Here it is the xml code <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="../styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../charts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <title>GRAFICANDO</title> </head> <center> <div id="PROSA" class="PROSA"> <p> </p> <!-- START Code Block for Chart PROSATBPS --> <div id="PROSATBPSDiv"> Chart </div> <script type="text/javascript" ><!-- // Instantiate the Chart var chart_PROSATBPS = new FusionCharts( { "swfUrl" : "../charts/Line.swf", "width" : "1000", "height" : "660", "renderAt" : "PROSATBPSDiv", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "PROSATBPS", "wMode" : "opaque", "dataSource" : " <chart bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF' bgAlpha='2' bgRatio='5' bgAngle='45' setAdaptiveYMin='1' showBorder='0' outCnvBaseFont='Verdana' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' outCnvBaseFontColor='000000' caption='Producto: ATM' subcaption='Ambiente: NACIONAL' xAxisName='Fecha' yAxisName='Millones de Transacciones' showValues='1' rotateValues='1' labelStep='2' divLineColor='000000' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasPadding='6' canvasbgColor='D02727' canvasbgAlpha='10' labelDisplay='Rotate' setAdaptiveYMin='1' formatNumberScale='0' adjustDiv='0' showShadow='0' baseFontSize='11' lineColor='d02727' lineThickness='2' lineAlpha='50' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataMenuItemLabel='Copiar los datos de este grafico'> <set label='Mon 02-01-2012' value='1077099' /> <set label='Tue 03-01-2012' value='966485' /> <set label='Wed 04-01-2012' value='963225' /> <set label='Thu 05-01-2012' value='1197053' /> </chart>" } ).render(); // --></script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart PROSATBPS --> </div> </center> </body> </html> i hope that you can help me greetings !!
  7. The first occurrence of the query that extracts data from the database is not reflected in the variable $ strXML, so that the first data is not plotted in the final graph. For example, im using a query like this SELECT id_fecha, id_tot FROM `datos` WHERE id_prod = 'ATM' AND id_ambt = 'TODO' AND id_fecha BETWEEN 20110701 AND 20110705 And the result is as follows id_fecha id_tot 20110701 1760505 20110702 1225085 20110703 784253 20110704 993528 20110705 913237 But the $strXM gets this data: "<chart caption='Producto AyP' subcaption='TODO' xAxisName='Fecha' yAxisName='Millones de Transacciones' showValues='1' labelStep='2' > <set label='20110702' value='4806114' /> <set label='20110703' value='3877384' /> <set label='20110704' value='3762584' /> <set label='20110705' value='3688447' /></chart>" So how i can fix this problem. I hope that you can help me.
  8. Problem With Query And $Strxml

    Here it is, thanks <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>GRAFINCANDO</title> <link href="../style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../charts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> </head><body> <center> <div class="PROSA"> <div id="PROSA"> <!-- START Code Block for Chart PROSATBPS --><div id="PROSATBPSDiv"> Chart </div><script type="text/javascript" ><!-- // Instantiate the Chart var chart_PROSATBPS = new FusionCharts( { "swfUrl" : "../charts/Spline.swf", "width" : "1000", "height" : "650", "renderAt" : "PROSATBPSDiv", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "PROSATBPS", "wMode" : "opaque", "dataSource" : "<chart outCnvBaseFont='Verdana' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' outCnvBaseFontColor='000000' caption='Producto: ATM' subcaption='Ambiente: NACIONAL' xAxisName='Fecha' yAxisName='Millones de Transacciones' bgColor='424850,FFFFFF' bgAlpha='15' showBorder='0' showValues='1' labelStep='2' canvasBorderThickness='1' labelDisplay='Rotate' setAdaptiveYMin='1' canvasPadding='10' formatNumberScale='0' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataMenuItemLabel='Copiar los datos de este grafico'><set label='Sun 02-10-2011' value='851715' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Mon 03-10-2011' value='1078058' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Tue 04-10-2011' value='935595' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Wed 05-10-2011' value='924996' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Thu 06-10-2011' value='1014381' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Fri 07-10-2011' value='1321165' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sat 08-10-2011' value='1036408' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sun 09-10-2011' value='675686' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Mon 10-10-2011' value='880419' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Tue 11-10-2011' value='805226' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Wed 12-10-2011' value='836432' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Thu 13-10-2011' value='1108270' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Fri 14-10-2011' value='1799021' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sat 15-10-2011' value='1370792' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sun 16-10-2011' value='815528' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/></chart>" } ).render();// --></script><!-- END Script Block for Chart PROSATBPS --> </div> </div> </center></body></html>
  9. Problem With Query And $Strxml

    Angshu, Have you been able to review this problem?
  10. Problem With Query And $Strxml

    Hi Angshu, Im sending you the entire code and the data that contain in the $Strxml. Added to this, I have another problem with the feature VLine LinePosition, because in the last plotted data do not show me the line that is set by this parameter. Attached is the graph of execution. Thanks Angshu. Awaiting for your answer. graphT1.php view-source localhost JAP pages graphT1.php.htm qDias.php
  11. Problem With Query And $Strxml

    Angshu, Have you been able to review this problem?
  12. Hi everybody, I'm new using fusion charts and since a few days i'm trying to plot data from a mysql query. I've read the documentacion and i implemented the data string method on my source code, as follow: <?php include "../includes/FusionCharts.php"; include "../includes/DBConn.php"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>GRAFINCANDO</title> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../charts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> </head> <body> <center> <?php $qAnio = $_POST['qAnio']; $qMes = $_POST['qMes']; $qDia = $_POST['qDia']; $qAnio2= $_POST['qAnio2']; $qMes2 = $_POST['qMes2']; $qDia2 = $_POST['qDia2']; $qProd = $_POST['qProd']; $qAmbt = $_POST['qAmbt']; $qTxn = $_POST['qTxn']; $qFecha = "$qAnio$qMes$qDia"; $qFecha2= "$qAnio2$qMes2$qDia2"; if ($qTxn == "id_fin") { $TXN = "FINANCIERAS"; } else { if ($qTxn == "id_adm") { $TXN = "ADMINISTRATIVAS"; } else { $TXN = "TOTALES"; } } $strXML = "<chart caption='Producto' subcaption='(TXNS)' xAxisName='Fecha' showValues='1' labelStep='2' >"; $link = connectToDB(); $strQuery ="SELECT id_fecha AS Fecha, $qTxn AS Txns FROM `datos` WHERE id_prod = '$qProd' AND id_ambt = '$qAmbt' AND '$qTxn' = '$qTxn' AND id_fecha BETWEEN $qFecha AND $qFecha2"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error()); $ors = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($result) { while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $strXML .= "<set label='" . $ors['Fecha'] . "' value='" . $ors['Txns'] . "' />"; } } mysql_close($link); $strXML .= "</chart>"; echo renderChart("../charts/Column2D.swf", "", $strXML, "PROSA", 800, 500, false, true); ?> </center> </body> </html> The result of this srcipt was not the desired, it is just doing an echo with the word CHART. Chart In fact it presents just one error that i cant understand: render: function(elementId){ var n = (typeof elementId == 'string') ? document.getElementById(elementId) : elementId; n.innerHTML = this.getSWFHTML();FusionCharts.js:142Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of undefined return true; }} So, i'll be happy of receive your comments or opinions in order to make it works.
  13. THANKS ANGSHU !!! Finally, i got the desire result with my source code, so we can close this topic !! THANKS A LOT !!!
  14. Hi, I've read your comments and i followed your questions, so here it is that i found: 1.Have you pasted the FusionCharts.js, jquery.min.js and highcharts.js files in charts folder? Yes, the three files are in charts folder. 2.Have you included and provided the path of FusionCharts.js properly in your html page? The folder tree is as follow: - www | |- JAP | |-+ img |-- includes |-- FusionCharts.php |-- DBConn.php |-+ pages |-- charts |-- FusionCharts.js |-- jquery.min.js |-- highcharts.js |-- Column2D.swf | |-- style.css |-- index.php And the path is in the html page, <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="charts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> Is this correct ??? 3 .Are there any JavaScript syntax or runtime errors that might have halted the execution of FusionCharts functions? No, I did not find any error on Javascript syntax. 4 .Have you given different names for the chart's JavaScript variable and chart's ID? It looks like that the JavaScript variable and chart's ID have the same name, I've posted the source code so if you can find some diference i'll be grateful that you notice me. So, this is that i've checked, i really hoe that you can help me.
  15. Only to supplement, this is the XML generated content: <!-- START Code Block for Chart PROSA --><div id="PROSADiv"> Chart </div><script type="text/javascript" ><!-- // Instantiate the Chart var chart_PROSA = new FusionCharts( { "swfUrl" : "../charts/Column2D.swf", "width" : "800", "height" : "500", "renderAt" : "PROSADiv", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "PROSA", "debugMode" : "1", "wMode" : "opaque", "dataSource" : "<chart caption='Producto' subcaption='(TXNS)' xAxisName='Fecha' showValues='1' labelStep='2' ><set label='20110702' value='1181805' /><set label='20110703' value='755148' /></chart>" } ).render();// --></script><!-- END Script Block for Chart PROSA -->