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Everything posted by pkianka

  1. Hello - I am using FusionCharts for Sharepoint (WSS 3.0) and have a bar chart generated from a simple SP list: Number of projects per engineer. A bar is shown with the count of projects for each of the engineers -- this works fine. Now what I'd like to do is add drill-down capability so that when a bar for one of the engineers is clicked, a second chart launches with a bar displaying the count of each of the products the engineer is working with on his/her projects. When I try to do this now, the second chart launches and the product names are shown across the x axis, but not the count. It simply lists them all accross the bottom (even duplicates). How can I get this chart to show a single bar for each product with its count? Thanks - Pete
  2. I just installed Fusion Charts for Sharepoint on Sharepoint 2007 WSS 3.0 When I go to create a new web part, there are no Fusion web parts available to choose from. Am I missing something? Is there a different process to add a chart or maybe something I need to configure or enable? Having a difficult time finding any documentation. Thanks.
  3. That's exactly how I was trying to add the web part and Fusion was not there. I did try the other locations as you suggested 1. The FusionCharts.webpart and BatchExport.webpart were NOT present in "Site Settings" >> "Galleries" >> "Web Parts" 2. There were entries named "FusionCharts for SharePoint" in "Site Settings" >> "Site Collection Administration" >> "Site collection features" location. They needed to be activated. Once I activated them, they are now available to select when creating new web parts. Thanks for your fast response! -Pete