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About brendanheyu

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Ie8/ie7 + Modernizr/respond = Fail

    Ah ok! I'll have a look at that and confirm the fix with you... Thanks for taking the time to look! Have a great weekend...
  2. Ie8/ie7 + Modernizr/respond = Fail

    Hi there... I'm back on this project now - I was hoping someone may have come across this issue? Any luck on finding the cause? Thanks! Brendan
  3. Ie8/ie7 + Modernizr/respond = Fail

    Thanks for having a look, appreciate that very much! Just checking in - I have tried a few things but no luck unfortunately. Brendan
  4. Ie8/ie7 + Modernizr/respond = Fail

    Ok, I have attached an example of the problem below. I'm using an Initializr ( based bootstrap. Has all any self respecting time poor developer would want. Jquery 1.7.2.min modernizr 2.5.3 ( - browser feature detection) respond 1.1.0.min ( - for responsive web design) fusioncharts 3.2.3-sr3.5347 Would love to know which way to take this problem, so thanks for taking a look.
  5. Ie8/ie7 + Modernizr/respond = Fail

    Hi there, The site won't be live for some time - even then it's an extranet style site - so seeing it running won't be happening anytime soon. I could add a zip attachment with a cut down example of the page and js files?
  6. Hi all! When I use the HTML5boilerplate with modernizr and respond js it seems that it stops older IE browsers. They fail to render the charts I want. The error I get is: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'attributes': object is null or undefined FusionCharts.js, line 135 character 353 If I remove the reference to /js/libs/modernizr-2.5.3-respond-1.1.0.min.js then it runs fine, but that breaks the overall layout (it's a responsive layout - hello mobile!) Any tips will help me a bunch! The attached to images show IE9 - one in IE9 mode and another with IE9 in IE8 dev mode with the fail in progress! Thanks all